Winning Her Heart (Tralt)

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(A/N: this is a request from @CherryGalaxa !) please enjoy!)

Trophy's POV:
I still cannot believe I've been eliminated from that stupid show. AND the fact that the stupid host, MeTard, decided to keep all of us in a small room in the first season's winner, OJ's, hotel. I grunted as I kicked my mattress. After my fit of frustration, I sit on my bed. I thought things through, like when I made Knife my slave. Whenever I looked back on those, my heart wrenched of guilt. Then I look back at when we finally got out of that stupid closet, and I remember that one girl with her friend. Her name was Salt right? Yeah, man she's hot.

I was thinking of asking her to hang out with me later so we can get to know each other more. Hey, why don't I do that now so I don't forget later?

I got up off my bed and I reached the doorknob and opened my door to walk downstairs. I saw Salt immediately and a grin fell on my face.

Salt's POV:
I was sitting in the hotel lobby, mourning how I'll never get OJ to like me. I gave a small sigh, my mind fresh out of ideas. Pepper wouldn't help me even if she had the chance to. At this point, I give up. But then, someone came downstairs, making my heart pound. It was Trophy. I'll have to admit, he's really good looking. Someone who' type! I got up and smiled at him. "Hey Trophy, what's up?" I asked.

No One's POV:
Trophy walked over to Salt and smiled softly. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to my room and watch some TV with me. We could, y'know, cuddle or something.." he said with a blush on his face, a hand behind his head. Salt's smile only grew. "Of course! I'd love to get to know you more Trophy!" She started walking to the stairs and walked up, waiting for Trophy. Trophy followed behind then went in front to show his room. He opened the door and jumped onto his bed, turning the TV on. Salt crawled into his bed and laid in his arms.

They talked about each other and their past, and their stuff with II. Then before you know it, they started to have a heated makeout session.

Let's just say, that they stayed together ever since..

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