The phone rings again. It's Harry. I sit up and rest my back on the headboard of the bed, I sit with the phone in my hand and watch his name flash.

*Hi* my voice comes out as a whisper.

*Hallo beautiful, how are you?* my stomach is already jumping with butterflies from hearing his dark velvet voice.

*I'm good* that probably couldn't be further from the truth..

*That's great. I was wondering if you wanted to do something today or maybe tomorrow?* god I want to see him so much but how could I? I won't be able to hide my physical pain from him.. I could always make up a cover story. I just hate lying to him, well more than necessary.

*Yeah maybe, I'm not feeling so well though.. I had a stupid little accident..* I fake giggle hoping he will believe my cover story. My need to see him is stronger than my need to not lie.

*Are you okay? What accident?* I can hear the worry in his voice and it warms my heart.

*Yeah just me being a klutz.. I drove my car into on of those large rocks that marks the parking space, quite hard and managed to dislocate my shoulder and stuff.. Nothing much* I try to say it with humor.

*Jesus.. You need to be more careful* he laughs lightly.

*Well I could come pick you up by your house and then we could hang out at my flat, or at your place?* spending time here does not sound appealing to me. Even with my dad out of the house I would never fell comfortable with Harry in this house.

*Uhm your place sounds good. Just don't expect me to get up from the couch* I joke.

*I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll pick you up in an hour, just text me the address yeah?* shit the address.. I was avoiding him coming here. Well my dad won't be here so I guess there's no harm in that.

I promise that I'll do that and then we exchange goodbyes before I force myself out of bed, if I need to get ready by the time he's here I need to start now, being handicapped and all.

I cover all visible bruises as well as I can, but at least now if he sees any I have a good reason behind them. I also pack an overnight bag, we didn't really talk about that, but I was thinking we were just going to hang out and it's nice to be prepared.

Not long after, Harry pulls up outside my house, I've been waiting outside for him, I didn't want him to come up to the house and maybe get the idea of coming in. It's a nice house and everything, no one would ever suspect anything like an abusive father living there, it's just the idea of bringing Harry into that house with so many bad memories.

On the way to his place Harry asks me some more questions about the injuries, he seems to believe my story about the car. He scolds me when I tell him I was being distracted by the phone ringing. I manage to divert the attention on to him and he tells me about his day and a party that he's going to in a few weeks, he seems very excited about it.

When we get there I look around but it's very quiet and there seem to be no boys around. Harry takes in my confused expression.

"Louis and Liam is out with their girlfriends and the others are at there own flats." He explains. I don't know why but I feel a little uneasy about being alone with Harry, it's not that I don't trust him it's just that this is the first time we have been completely alone.

"So since you are clearly not up for running around or doing any crazy shit, what do you say to a movie?"

"Sounds good to me" I plumb down in the couch directly in front of the flat screen tv.

After discussing a few different movies we end up watching the first Spider-Man movie, the second and the third. We are in the middle of the third when Niall and Zayn joins the fun. We end up talking, not paying much attention to the movie. I get on really well with Niall, he's just so full of life and smiles all the times it's really refreshing.

As the hours pas by we don't leave the couches much, I think we are staying here mostly because they are being considerate of me or lay be they are just lazy.

The pain isn't actually so bad anymore, I think being around these guys and actually having fun is taking my mind off of it.

Some time during the night we order pizza, most of it end up being eaten by Niall.

A few hours after that Niall and Zayn excuses themselves to go back to their own flats. I truly believe Niall and I could be great friends. Zayn is very sweet as well, he's a bit quieter but not in a bad way, kind of like me I guess, I'm not the first to speak up either.

"So are you tired?" Harry asks me still sitting on the couch, we are tangled up into each other. I got both my legs over his from the side and my head resting on his shoulder.

"Nope" I guess I'm a little tired but I don't want to put an end to the night.

"Alright let's just talk yea?" I nod and he smiles. I can tell that he enjoys my company just as much as I do his.

I tell him about my mother and my passion for art, he promises he will take me to see the most amazing pieces some day, even though it's probably just an empty promise it's still nice to hear.

I still find it hard to avoid the questions about my dad, but I do tell him we don't get along very well, that isn't technically lying..

I feel myself drift into a slumber on Harry's shoulder while he's telling me about his mothers and stepdads wedding and how his sister got so drunk she tripped into the pool.


So sorry I know I'm late with the update:-(

Again I'm going to say a massive massive thank you to the amazing EmilyHHarries, I really love my new cover:-)

Please remember to vote and feel free to comment or message me:-)

I'm going to have a few days with company but I'll try to keep updating:-)

See yea:-)

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