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Screaming and boxes slamming against the floor disturbing her heavy sleep, her eye lids flew open at the noise as her body jerked forward with her eyes wide. Her eyes searched the room, panicked, trying to blink away her blurry vision.

Once her vision became clear she saw Zayn throwing everything his hand could reach to the floor, his loud screaming not making anyone rush into the room as if they're not hearing it at all.

She immediately stood to her feet and rushed to his side, his hand suddenly went over to his ears to cover them. His eyes tightly closed shut as if he's in pain.

Panicked, she tried to wrap her arms around him to calm him down but he just wouldn't stop, he was trying so hard to stop the voices in his head by increasing the volume of his own voice over it, his screaming was ear piercing but that didn't make her back away, she held on him even tighter.

"Zayn!" She gasped when he suddenly hit her with his elbow, breaking free from her tight hold. She fell to the floor with a thud, her stomach and back hurting.

"Zayn, please!" Her voice cracked but she didn't cry, there was no time for that. She had to know what's up with him.

She stood up to her feet as he fell down to his knees, his hand trying to block out any noise that could reach his ears. It pained her, the situation he was in pained her and these symptoms he was showing meant only one thing, that they had injected him with the same thing they injected that patient in the hospital.

And the only thing that made sense right now is that he's hearing screaming in his head and he's trying to stop it. She closed her eyes and quickly thought of ways to calm him down but she couldn't find any, she needed to drug hom and put him into sleep but both of them are kidnapped and she doesn't have her things with her.

She slowly walked over to him when his screams turned into loud sobs, tears spilling out and running down his cheeks as he clutched his ears tighter and bent forward. She slowly walked towards him in desaperate need to comfort him.

"Zayn, what's happening? Please tell me so I could help you. Tell me." Her voice cracked everytime she spoke due to her threatening tears and it made him soften a little but he suddenly held his ears tighter and started letting out louder screams.

"No, no, no! Stop! Stop saying it!" He yelled, shaking his head furiously. It took her seconds to know that he wasn't talking to her, it was the voices in his head.

It's when he broke into sobs, she snapped. all her unshed tears started falling as she quickly wrapped her arms around him tightly, not caring that he could push her again.

"Why isn't anyone coming in here! Can't you hear him screaming?! Come help me! Help him!" She screamed at that locked door she'd tried to open so many time but failed, knowing that behind that door are the people who kidnapped her and put Zayn in so much pain.

"You fucking cowards! Assholes! I know what you're doing! All of it, you're fucking going to pay for it all!" She cried, her voice raspy from both sleep and screaming so loud. Zayn's screaming had died down during her fit but he was still crying with his arms wrapped around her tightly and left ear pressed to her heart. She barely felt him moving to this position.

He sobbed quietly while her heart ached for him. She ran her fingers through his hair as her free arm wrapped around him, as if he's going to disappear.

"I didn't mean to, I swear." He mumbled, sniffing before pressing his face between her breasts as more tears fell.


"I didn't mean to kill her. I'm sorry." He shook furiously in her arms. He tried to bury his face further into her in shame, he just felt guilty and the voices made sure to remind him of it.

"No," Perrie whispered, one last tear falling from her eyes before she wiped it away quickly and placed her hands over the sides of his face making him look at her directly in the eye.

The pale blue eyes he had graved in his memory are soon replaced by Perrie's deep blue which was a huge difference for him, the stern gaze she was giving him seemed as if she was trying to mute the voices he's hearing by just making him look at her.

"Listen to me, alright? You didn't kill her, she did it to herself. You didn't mean to, Zayn. I know. I believe you. I trust you." Her voice was so quiet and soft yet determined to get him out of his misery. she wanted to put an end to it.

"You did nothing. You're innocent, Zayn. you're completely innocent." She whispered to him, her thumb brushing below his eye. he began relaxing and calming down as soon as she said that she trusted and believed him, the assurance of someone believing that he really did nithing comforted him that he couldn't help but wrap his arms around her shoulders, pulling her closer to his chest this time. The position comforting both of them.

The calming atmosphere stayed there for a few minutes before they heard yelling outside the door that locked them in this room. Fear started creeping up on her as she stared at the door in horror waiting for it to be pushed open and people to rush into the room and kill both of them. Dramatic. She mentally scolded herself and took a deep breath to calm down.

She pulled away from Zayn to scan the room for somewhere to hide, it was nearly midnight that's for sure and it'd help them hide better. She took hold of Zayn's wrist and pulled him behind scattered boxes on top of eachother, they were high enough to cover the both of them.

She calmed her breath down and looked over at Zayn, she could barely figure out his features but she could tell his eyelids are closed, he's falling unconscious.

She gently pushed him to the ground and folded her jacket as a pilloe for him to rest on, she made sure she was as quiet as possible so she won't attract any unwanted attention.

"They're in there, sir."

"You locked the two, together? Are you fucking stupid!?"

"There is no where else to put the girl in. She was sneaking around the building screaming and we had to take her before she made anyone notice that this whole thing exist."

"Still, you fucking idiot!" A thud was heard right after that sentence.

"Open the door, Jerry. I'll have to deal with those two myself."

Perrie's eyes were wide and her jaw held open as she listened to the conversation, she knows those voices well enough to match them with a face. The people who kidnapped her were no one other than her own family.

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