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Guilt. It's all what I managed to feel. I'm the one who let that happen, If I wasn't such a coward that wouldn't have happened. It's all my fault. I didn't stop it from happening and my father took advantage of my absence.

I was sobbing all the way to the hospital, they were asking what's wrong with me but I was so busy blaming myself to answer them, how could I tell them that because I didn't tell them what Mark told me, half of the patients are probably dead right now?

I ran my hand through my hair, pushing it away from my face. I felt a hand on my shoulder but I didn't turn to look at the person, I didn't talk. I was mute the whole ride.

As soon as we reached the hospital I was the first one to get out of the car, my worry and guilt taking over me ad I ran insife and saw that barely any patients are left in here. He took almost all of them. It's my fault. Mine. Tears ran down my cheeks as I fell down to my knees, my hands fisting my hair painfully as I cried my eyes out on the hospital floor.

Guards immediately approached me and tired to help me up to my feet but I couldn't stand, I pushed them all away and covered my face with guilt making my heart ache against my chest.

"Miss Edwards- Perrie, please get up." I heard a familiar voice tell me but my guilt and panic were enough to stop me from matching the voice with a face. I gasped for air after a loud sob had escaped my lips, why is it happening to my patients? I'm responsible of it. It's all my fault. I killed them, all of them.

Strong arms wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me up to my feet as another arms was around my waist helping me stand up. I let my hands drop to my sides to finally see who were holding me. I blinked a few times making all the tears gathered in my eyes fall before I could finally see clearly.

I blinked and saw Harry with his arms around my shoulders and Niall's arm around my waist. I saw Jade watching my with worry all over her face as she touched my cheek and told me to breathe.

How could I be so careless? I should've never ever left. I should've warned Harry and all the doctors here. I should've done a lot of things to stop my father from taking them, from killing them. 

"What happened, Perrie? Why are you crying?" Jade asked, her tone worried as I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I have to tell them. I gulped nervously before walking out of Harry's and Niall's arms.

I turned to them, hands shaking and heart pounding furiously. I'm sure my hair was a mess and my eyes were bloodshot from all the crying I was doing.

"My father didn't take the patient to check up on them..he took them to make expermints on them." I blurted out and continued on with my story, everyone heard me with shocked expressions as I spoke. Some had their jaw handing open and some just blinked it me but I can't blame them, who would've thought that my father, a man who owned a mental institution, is a psycho?

I wish I had Louis here at the moment, he would've explained it better than me. Louis always knew what to do or say unlike me, I was so different from him. I wanted to think about what would've Louis done if it was me but I can't, I'm not Louis.

I never contacted Louis since that day, not even once. I was too ashamed of my father to face him again, my father put Louis and his father in so much stress and me as his daughter took the blame. Even though Louis never blamed it on me, he thanked me even. But I'm the one who's blaming myself, I'm blaming myself for being so foolish and blinded by my own small world to notice that my father was planning something horrible.

"So what you're trying to tell me that Alexander is trying to destroy humanity?" Jesy said, eyebrows furrowed. All eyes were on me waiting for me to answer her question but by the looks they're giving me I know they don't believe me.

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