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Video credit: Nana Skittles
Holy shit.



I immediately stopped the car, making everyone move forcefully forward. I clenched my jaw and cursed under my breath. We're so fucking stupid.

"Stop doing that!" Harry groaned as he clutched his nose in pain, "one more time and my nose will fall off my face." He scowled.

"My boob hurts." Jade murmured as she rubbed her left breast, a frown on her face, Leighanne laughing at them.

"Is this a 'make everyone get their head bumped in the car' starring Niall and Perrie or something?" Jesy snapped while Niall laughed, rubbing his head and cringing at the pain then laughing again. He raised his hand to high five me making me slap his hand away.

"Those men were scientists. You're right, Leigh. Remember how I told you there were a lot of scientists coming in and out of the hospital? I think those are them. They work for my father."

"You can't be so sure, you've never seen those men's faces." Leigh said, putting her hand on the back of my seat and putting her head between mine's and Niall's seats.

I closed my eyes and rested it back on my seat, taking deep breaths. Why can't I just find the patients- find Zayn and Daniel and move on with my life happily? Why is it so fucking hard, why is my father taking everything- everyone who make me happy?

"Well, they did try to kill us." Jade raised her eyebrow at us.

"They didn't know who we are, they were repeatedly asking, remember?" Jesy commented.

"I think the best option we have right now is that we go back home and decide what to do later." Niall suggested, his hand rested on top of mine to reassure me but I quickly snapped my eyes open and pulled my hand away.

"He'll kill them if we're late, we can't-" I started to panic before I felt a hand on my shoulder making me turn and meet Harry's green eyes.

"Niall's right, Perrie. We can't do much right now." He told me softly but I didn't have it in me I couldn't calm down knowing that I'm going to lose someone I love anytime without me knowing it.

I silently started the car again and drove back to the hospital as silent tears ran down my cheeks, I tightened my grip on the wheel and prayed to God that the patients are okay.

Zayn let out a sigh as he sat in a dark room alone, his head rested against the cold wall with his eyes closed. His head was full of thoughts of his misery.

He pulled his hand up and ran it down his face, not bothering to wince at the sharp pain that hit him at the sudden move, doctors here have been beating him up ever since he arrived here. He'd cry out for help, scream and shout for Angel. He wanted Angel to come and save him from his suffering. But Angel never came because Angel no longer exist. She was long gone.

He clenched his palm into a fist and rested it against his forehead as he let out a shaky breath. Everyday, he'd hear other patients scream their lungs out til they grow tired of it. It was like a routine for the past three weeks, he'd hear people screaming from the pain then shut up completely, dead.

He didn't know when is his turn but he was sure it's soon, this is all he ever wanted anyways, he's tired of his life and wanted to end it a long time ago but he couldn't as his family was the only thing holding him back but right now, right now there's nothing holding him back. He's going to die and he's not even panicking. The day had to come sooner or later.

Images of his beloved one flashed before his closed eyes, her bright smile, her blue eyes and her tanned skin. They way she laughed and they way her eyes closed doing it, everything he was imagining helped him feel at ease. That's all he ever did, imagine her as if she's alive and well.

She appeared through the dark, her dark brown locks floating around her as the air hit her beautiful face making her smile widely. She slowly turned and looked at him from the other side but she wasn't Angeline, it was Perrie. Her short Ash-blonde hair hugging her face, a paler skin and a more beautiful shade of blue in her eyes.

She grinned at him and turned fully to him, putting her hand infront of him waiting for him to take it. Let me lead you to the light, she chuckled before pulling her hand away just as he was about to take it. She faded slowly making him frown before she appeared again, Perrie. A red beanie over her head as she held onto her bicycle that they rode together.

Her laughter from that day echoed in his ears like a melody, making his frown disappear and a pleased expression to take over his face.

It scared him how Angeline and Perrie are so similar in looks, the first day he arrived to that hospital and laid his eyes on her, he thought it was her till they called her by her own name but when he panicked, he started seeing Angeline in Perrie again, pleading her to forgive him and much to his surprise, she did. She forgave him even though she didn't know what was he apologising for, the day he went on a date with her, that moment when he kissed her. All he saw was Angeline. He never saw her as Perrie.

But there was those moments, when she touched his face, his hands or his hair. He knew it was Perrie then because her touch didn't feel like Angeline's, his heart always screamed at him to push her away because there was no one allowed to touch him like that except for Angeline but he couldn't. He loved the way her touch made him feel. It made him feel safe and at ease.

He let out a sigh and kept trying imagining Angeline but everytime the face that appeared was Perrie, he couldn't get her out of his mind. She was stuck in there. His heart started beating loudly in his chest as he saw her smiling widely at him, her fingerprints brushing against his hand that it almost felt real.

The sound of a door bursting open made him snap his eyes open, pulling him out of his peaceful dreams. He squeezed his eyes shut at the sudden amout of light that reached his eyes, he placed his hand infront of his eyes, shielding it from the light.

Rushed footsteps entered the room as a man yelled, "go get him!" making Zayn's eyes widen in horror as he watched three men walking over to him in a quick pace, he tried pushing himself back but the wall behind him didn't allow him to do so. He tried to stand up and run but it was too late as he had took a hold of his arms and pinned him down on his knees making him scream out for him.

And it was the first time he didn't call Angeline's name, he called for Perrie to rescue him.

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