Omake! - 14th of October

Start from the beginning

"Yes, yes.. Ietsuna will definitely be happy when his girlfriend made food for him" Hana smirked at Yuni's sudden blush.

"Hana!" Yuni shrieked at quiet as possible.

"Not that I am not happy seeing Tsu-kun, but I hope he's not at the fourth floor" Kyoko said nervously.

"Relax.. I don't think he will be there, especially this early in the morning. Like I said, Tsuna sometimes go there. So, what are the chances he is there anyway?" Hana said, waving her hand, shooing what Kyoko was saying.

"Hahi! That's right, what are the chances anyway?" Haru grinned.

"Don't jinx it, you two" Kyoko sweatdropped.

《》《》《》《 OMAKE 》《》《》《》

They were staring at the sight infront of them.

Yes, Tsuna was in the fourth floor kitchen, teaching few of the newer maids how to cook some of the Guardians' favourite dishes, which the originalities of those dishes came from Tsuna.

And yes, Hana and Haru jinxed it.

There gone their plan in not letting any of them knew.

Upon seeing the five of them at the kitchen door, the maids present immediately greeted them, bowing at Tsuna and left the kitchen after bowing at the five of them too, taking the finished dishes to be shared with the others.

"Good morning, ladies. Not that I am not happy to see you but what are you doing here this early?" Tsuna asked with a smile.

"We should be asking you that" Hana said with a sigh.

"Well.. I am planning to bake a cake for Tsu-nii" Tsuna smiled sheepishly with his hand behind his back, when the five of them stared at him as if he was stupid.

"What about you, Tsu-nii? You two have the same birthday. It's your birthday too" Yuni pouted.

"Well.... Hahaha..haha..ha..." Tsuna sweatdropped. He had totally forgotten about his own birthday.

"You forgot it's also yours too, aren't you? You are too focused on other people's happiness! Be selfish and think about yourself too, will you?" Hana grumbled, which the other four nodded.

"Uum.. Well.. Since you five are already here, would you like to decorate the cake for Tsu-nii? .....And me?" Tsuna smiled nervously, showing the three levels cake behind him.

Hana growled softly. "Fine. Now get out of here. You two are not supposed to see your cake. Not until the party started" Hana said, throwing Tsuna out.

"Sorry, Tsu-kun. ....Hm.. There's no point in hiding it from you anyway" Kyoko murmured under her breath, but Tsuna still manage to hear that, and before Tsuna could say anything about that, Kyoko continued, "please stall Ie-kun for us, okay? While the boys, except Ie-kun himself, decorated one of the rooms, okay? Thanks~" Kyoko smiled, shutting the kitchen door.

Tsuna blinked when he heard a soft "Alright, let's do this, soldiers!" which was definitely Hana's voice, then followed by cheers "Ooh!!".

He stared at the closed door for awhile before slowly standing up, brushing off the non-existence dusts from his clothes. "Right.." Tsuna sighed. "Now.. How do I stall Tsu-nii" Tsuna asked no one in particular, before a light bulb shone brightly. "Aha!" Tsuna clicked his fingers, and he went to level five, immediately to Ietsuna's office. He could feel Ietsuna's flame inside there after all.

《》《》《》《 OMAKE 》《》《》《》

Reaching Ietsuna's office, he knocked a few times, but without waiting for a reply, Tsuna went and opened the door, though slowly, in case Ietsuna fell asleep on his papers, and made a peek.

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