I don't get more than a few feet away before footsteps and a familiar masculine nicotine-infused scent catches up with me.

"Where are you going?" Drayton questions, effortlessly keeping up with my power walk.


"You're going to walk home, alone at night?"

"No you dipshit. We live an hour away! I'm going to the train station."

"By yourself?"

"Go away Drayton."

"Let me drive you?" He stops and pulls on my arm, causing me to spin around on one foot. "It's dangerous out here at night."

"No thanks," I rip my arm out of his hold and shoot him a glare that's probably not a glare at all and more like a droopy idiotic expression. "I don't want anything from you... ever again!"

"Forget about what happened between us," he steps closer, keeping his eyes locked on mine. "Just pretend I'm a complete stranger and I'm giving you a ride home. That's it."

"Sorry, I don't take rides with strangers!" I give him a sarcastic smile and turn around, flicking my hair in a sassy manner that I'm positive I'll cringe over tomorrow.

"Fine!" he shouts at my retreating figure. "Suit yourself!"

So I do. Because I'm not weak and I'm not pathetic and I can make it to the train station. This isn't a dangerous city, sure things happen occasionally. But it's rare. Not an everyday occurrence.

I've been walking for about fifteen minutes when I enter a large barren concrete lot that houses public car parks and shipping containers. I can see the train station's neon lights about fifty feet away so I smile with satisfaction, knowing that I didn't need to stress.

I'm abruptly pulled into a hard body as a hand comes across my mouth and starts dragging me towards a dark narrow walkway. My blood runs cold and my heart beats so hard that it physically hurts. I'm rendered paralysed for a moment, fear completely seizing me until the adrenaline slows enough for my instincts to kick in. I start thrashing my body, kicking my legs out as I attempt to scream. It's no use though and I start to feel horribly angry that I can't do anything to get myself out of this situation.

I'd always wanted to believe that in a life or death situation I'd be one of those incredible girls you read about that fight off the offenders and escape but no matter how hard I thrash and kick, I can't break out of the iron hold and we quickly disappear out of the public eye and into the narrow alleyway. The buildings on either side aren't even apartments, they're industrial buildings that will be empty until the morning. No one will stumble across me, no one will hear me.

My front is pushed against the cold brick wall and tears start streaming down my cheeks as I tremble with fear, desperately clutching at any bright ideas to come to mind so I can avoid becoming another statistic.

Suddenly one of the strong hands grips my arm and turns me around, pushing my back into the wall. As my vision clears I come face to face with Drayton, who's looking at me with an unfathomable anger.

He lets go of my mouth and I exhale loudly, saliva flying in specks out of my mouth as I clutch my heart. I'm aware that I'm not in immediate danger anymore but my chest rises and falls at a rapid pace in time with my deafening breathing.

"What the fuck Drayton!" I sob, drying my cheeks with the palm of my hand. "Are you out of your fucking mind!"

"Do you realise how easy that was for me!" he shouts, his body is basically crushing me against the wall and I can feel his hot breath fanning my face as he stares down at me with a glowering fury. "I don't think I need to explain how this would have ended if I actually wanted to take advantage of you!"

The QB Bad Boy and Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें