Chapter Eighteen

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Hailey Thomas.

My eyes flutter open slowly, and the throbbing pains in my head and the side of my neck cause me to groan. I try to sit up properly, but I soon realise that my hands are tied behind my back, my ankles are bound together with rope, and I'm on the floor of what I think might be a basement.

"You're awake," a familiar says, but my brain doesn't quite registered who is talking until the person clicks on the light switch and walks down the remaining steps toward me. "You were knocked out for longer than I thought you would be."

"What the hell, Olivia?" I groan, trying to lift my head off the wall that I'm slouched against, but it's no good since my head feels as if it's going to fall right off my shoulders.

I glance around, a small shiver running up my spine. The walls are damp and there are holes in the floorboards around me. I look up at the ceiling and I gag when I see that it's covered in mould. It's freezing, too. My arms are covered in goosebumps.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're extremely nosey, Hails?" Olivia asks, walking to stand in front of me as she folds her arms across her chest. "I knew you were smart, but I didn't think you'd be able to piece it together so quickly," she chuckles. She sits down on the floor in front of me and crosses her legs. "Would you like to know how I did it?" She questions, her lips spread into a wide grin.

I shake my head, a small shiver running up my spine as I look at Olivia. "I want to know why?" I say, but it sounds more like a question than a statement. "Why did you do it?" I ask, cautiously. My heart is pounding so hard I can hear it in my ears and I feel like I'm going to throw up. 

Olivia sighs loudly, leaning back on her hands as she looks at me. "Alright, Hailey Thomas. I'll tell you why I did it," she begins, raising her eyebrow at me. "Elle Patterson was a self-righteous bitch," Olivia growls, "And she didn't love me."

I almost choke on my saliva at her last statement, and my eyes widen. "S-She didn't love you?" I question. "Olivia... I didn't know-" 

"You didn't know that I'm into girls," she states, letting out a laugh. "Nobody did. Except for Elle. You see, Elle liked to know everything about everyone. She was very, very nosey. And when I started sneaking around, she became suspicious. She followed me a little bit out of town one night, and she saw me with a girl I was seeing at the time. Elle thought it was brilliant, and she promised me she wouldn't tell anyone, but Elle never did anything just out of kindness. She wanted me to be someone she could 'confide' in whenever she got bored," Olivia snaps, and I can see her growing angrier by the second. "And so, Elle became my first 'girlfriend'. She didn't like to call herself my girlfriend, though. She preferred the term 'best friend'. Things were good for a while, but then she began to act weird. She was ignoring my calls and being short with me, and she suddenly had plans every single weekend. One night, I followed her, and you can just imagine my anger when I saw her with that college boy." 

"You mean... Caleb?" I ask, my mind completely blown at this point. 

"Yes," Olivia seethes, "Caleb." With a deep breath, she continues, "I confronted Elle about it the next day when she came over. And do you want to know what she did?" Olivia snaps, her face turning red with anger. "She laughed at me! That bitch laughed in my face. She told me I was nothing more than someone she could have fun with. Caleb was the one she loved. I snapped, you know?" She says, and the casualness in her voice sends another shiver up my spine. "I tackled her to the ground, and I once I began smashing her head off the ground, I couldn't stop. It was like... It was like I was on some sort of drug and I was high. I was filled with adrenaline and anger, and I didn't stop when she stopped screaming. I knew she was dead, but I kept going. A little bit of overkill, I know," Olivia chuckles, shaking her head. 

I stare at her, my eyes wide and my heart about to burst out of my chest. Suddenly, I'm fearing for my own life. The girl sitting in front of me is clearly insane, and I begin to glance around for an escape, but Olivia doesn't even notice as she continues with her story. "I realised something, though. After I had sat down on the edge of my bed, watching the blood ooze from her head. Would you like to know what I realised?" She asks, grinning at me. 

"What did you realise?" I ask, swallowing the lump in my throat. 

"It was you."

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Happy belated Halloween, my loves! I hope you all love Halloween as much as I do, and even if you don't, that's OK. I hope you had a great Halloween, anyway! 

So, what did you guys think of this chapter? Did you see it coming? Did you ever think Olivia would be capable of murder? Or are you more surprised by her and Elle's secret affair? 

I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but the next few chapters will be longer. Hopefully. Anyway, sadly, this book is coming to an end soon. But, don't worry; I have some other exciting books coming your way. Stay tuned!

Make sure to comment and vote! 



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