Chapter Five

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Hailey Thomas.

"You look fancy," Aiden says, raising his eyebrow as he eyes me while I stand on his front porch. "I'm sure Elle would have approved of this outfit."

I roll my eyes, pushing passed him and into his house. "What did you find out?"

Aiden chuckles, closing the front door behind him. He folds his arms across his chest and says, "Well, while you were out of school today, I spoke to a few people. I was talking to Olivia's friend, Iona, and she told me that Elle always got a little too friendly with that Maths teacher, Mr Jensen. And, apparently, he didn't mind too much."

I furrow my eyebrows slightly. "Yeah, but Elle was in my Maths class. Mr Jensen teaches 4th Years. We had Miss Kelly."

"That's what I said," Aiden continues, nodding his head. "Iona said Elle was going to him for some extra 'tutoring'. I asked her if she believed that, and she said not a chance in hell."

"Elle always passed her Maths tests with top marks," I mumble. "You don't think she was having an affair with him, do you?" I ask, scrunching my nose up in distaste.

There's a short pause before Aiden says, "That's what it sounds like."

I sigh deeply, turning and walking into his living room. "Where are your parents?" I ask, flopping down onto the couch to take my heels off.

"My mum is working and fuck knows where my dad is," He replies, shrugging as he leans against the doorway to the living room.

There's a short silence and during this short silence, I manage to think up a plan. Something that will help us figure out what Mr Jensen and Elle were really up to, and if he has anything to do with her death.

I stand up again, walking towards Aiden, to which he pushes himself off the doorframe, his arms folded across his chest as he watches me.

"Here's what we're going to do; I'm going to find my knee high socks, the shortest skirt I have, and I'm going to ask Mr Jensen for extra tutoring. If he reacts, we'll know," I say, firmly.

Aiden looks at me, his eyebrows scrunched up. "Are you crazy, Thomas? What if he tries something? Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? I mean, say he did kill Elle, do you really want to put yourself in that position?" He snaps, shaking his head. "No way, I'm not letting you do it. We'll just have to figure out some other way. You know, like do some actual research and maybe ask a few other people before you go full 'seduce my teacher' mode."


"No buts, Hailey. You're not doing it."

I huff, folding my own arms across my chest. "Fine, Moore. We will do it your way. What's your plan?" I ask.

"Iona seemed eager to spill whatever dirt she could on Elle. We'll start there," He says, nodding his head a little.

Although I won't admit it aloud, Aiden's plan does sound a lot more foolproof than mine. And no matter how much I want to interrogate Mr Jensen Law & Order style, I know it's best to steer clear from him until we have more information.

Avoiding Mr Jensen is proving to be a lot more difficult than I initially thought. He's all of a sudden everywhere. It's only break and I've already seen him at least six times. Whether he's passed me in the hall, walked passed my class, or he's been standing talking to another student or teacher.

"I swear he knows we know something," I mumble to Aiden as we stand by his locker, watching Mr Jensen as he stands outside his classroom, talking to one of his 4th Year students.

"And how would he possibly know that, Hailey?" Aiden sighs, resting his elbow on my shoulder, leaning against me.

I shake my head, pulling my shoulder away from him. "One; I am not an arm rest. Two; I just feel like he's everywhere today. I don't know if I'm just noticing him more now that I've gone into full Spencer Reid mode."

Aiden opens his mouth to say something, but instead, he grabs my hand, pulling me to stand in front of him. And before I can say anything, he places his hand on my cheek and his thumb over my lips, leaning down and kissing his thumb.

"Kids these days. Always snogging," I hear a male voice chuckle, and I pull away from Aiden seconds later, looking to see Mr Jensen walking down the hall, away from us.

I scrunch my nose up, pulling away from Aiden completely. "What the hell, Moore?" I question, a small shiver running down my spine at the thought of him actually kissing me, and I wipe my lips.

He rolls his eyes at me. "First; I didn't actually kiss you, Thomas. It was a stage kiss. No need to wipe your lips. Second; It would have looked extremely creepy for us to have been watching him. I'm not trying to get charged with stalking."

I open my mouth to say something, but the bell signalling the third period of the day goes off, and Aiden chuckles while saying, "Saved by the Bell. Catch you at lunch, Thomas." And then he walks off, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his black leather jacket.

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Just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who has been reading this book so far, and that I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am!

Also, I just want to let you guys know that I won't be dead, just away on holiday for two weeks! This should be my last update until I get back.



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