Chapter 8!!!

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(Karmen's POV)

"So wait. There's a baby in there?!" Sally screamed, pointing at my stomach. I don't even know why I agreed to try and explain this. How would you explain to an 8 year old how you end up having, and I quote, 'having a mini person' inside you. Yes, Sally actually said that. "Yep" I said faking a smile. "How did he or she get in there?" Sally questioned further. You've got to be kidding me, I mentally face palmed. I didn't honestly know how to respond to this so I said the first thing that came to mind "when to people are truly in love, they are blessed with a child." I know it sounds silly but Sally bought it pretty well. I got up from Sally's pink carpet floor and walked to the door. "Karmen, can you tell Jeff to come here so I can play dress up?" Sally asked just as I was about to close the door. Sally only plays with Jeff and, occasionally, me. "Sure thing, sweetheart" I smiled truthfully because Jeff looks absolutely ridiculous in a pink dress and I'm in the mood for blackmail. I walked down the stairs and plopped down on the couch next to Toby, E.J., and BEN, who were playing Mario Cart. "Hey Jeff! Sally needs you! She's in her room!" I yelled. If I told him Sally wanted to play dress up then he would never go. "Why?" Jeff asked walking up behind the couch. "Sally needs dress advice and she wants you to help. I tried to help her myself but she refused" I said calmly, trying not to laugh. "Okay, but if your lying, sleep with one eye open tonight" he said evilly. I heard him open the door and scream. I started laughing my butt off and so did Toby, E.J., and BEN. Guess they know what happened. Smile Dog trotted through the front door with a new coat of blood. How he opens the door, I have no idea. "IM GONNA GET YOU FOR THIS KARMEN!!" Jeff yelled from Sally's room. I finally started to cry from laughing so hard. "Where's Slendy?" I asked, suddenly not laughing anymore. "Zalgo called him in to talk" Toby said, staring at the screen in concentration. I got up and walked up the stairs and to my room. I grabbed my camera and walked to Sally's room and opened the door silently. I snapped a picture and started dying of laughter. Jeff and Sally in pink dresses, having a tea party on a table obviously made for children. "KARMEN!!" Jeff jumped up and started to charge at me, only to trip due to the sparkle high heels he was wearing. I broke through my laughter and manage to say " why, Jeff, you look rather lovely today" and I started laughing again. "Jeffy!!! I forgot to put bows in your hair!! Why didn't you remind me?!" Sally whined as she walked over and shut the door. I started to laugh when I heard Jeff scream "SALLY! GET THAT GIRLY SHIT AWAY FROM ME!!!". I turned to go down the hall but Slendy was suddenly there. I screamed. Wouldn't you scream if somebody was just all of a sudden right beside you? I mean, especially if it's Slendy. I'm naturally short but every time I stand next to him I feel like a frickin dwarf. "DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" I yelled. "Sorry, but I need to speak to you in my office Karmen." And with that he teleported to his office. Leaving me in the hallway. Of course. I walked down to Slendy's office and knocked on the door. Great, last time I was here I found out I was pregnant, I thought glumly to myself. He opened the door and told me to sit down. He shut down his computer that was, at the moment, opened to his email. I only caught a little bit of what it said:
From: Zalgo
To: Slender Man

I will either take her the easy way or the hard way but I warn you ....

There was probably a lot more but I didn't get a chance to read it. Anyway, I don't want to be a part of what's going on between the two. "Karmen, I know the pressure of the thought of becoming a mom is rough but, my child, we have a situation that could put you two in danger," he said calmly. God dammit Slendy! What did you do?! "What is it?," I asked trying not to go completely psycho on him. "Zalgo is after you... He wants the child," He said ominously. That's it. I'm gonna kill him. No, I'm not talking about Slendy. That overgrown devil whores gonna eat it. Excuse the language: 1. I'm just like that and 2. I'm hormonal from having 'a miniature person inside me'.I don't know if any of you have realized it yet but I haven't even gone for a killing spree yet. Like any other killer, blood lust is just eating me away. "Okay, I'm going to be as calm as you can possibly be in a situation where a devil wants to take my unborn child and ask: what's the plan?" "Once the signs start that he's coming, we will wait until the last minute to teleport you to a safe haven." "Okay. One more question: what do you mean by 'last minute'?" "Karmen, child, there is no easy way to put this: the last minute is the minute the war starts."

I don't know what's more scary. The fact I'm leaving BEN and the others behind to fight my battle or the fact that there's a battle to begin with. I'm not to good at wording things but I'll just leave it at this: IM FRICKIN TERRIFIED! I'm scared for BEN, our child, and my family. Wow. It's the first time I truly called all of them my family. I walked down the stairs to find complete chaos. Sally was chasing Jeff, who only had pants on. No shirt. BEN was, of course, playing video games trying to pretend nothing was going on. Hoodie was screaming, and I mean SCREAMING, at Masky. Why? Because he was on his hands and knees chocking. He probably OD on cheesecake. And last but not least: E.J. was making a mess eating kidneys. "Hi Karmen" E.J. said, mouth filled with blood and kidneys. "Hey," I said slowly,"what's up?" (My face like almost literally: o_O) "Nothin' much you?" "OH MY GOD. MASKY WAKE UP!," Hoodie screamed. "Nothin'. Hold on one sec," I said and turned around to look at Masky laying face down on the ground with Hoodie freaking out. "You wanna get this one?" I asked, turning to E.J. "Yep, got it," He said walking over to Masky. E.J. did the heimlich maneuver on him. Once Masky came around he started freaking out, "HOLY CHEESECAKE. I MISSED MY AFTERNOON CHEESECAKE!" He said, running of to the kitchen.

"Hey, how are you," I asked, sitting down next to BEN. "I'm okay, how about you," BEN asked, eyes never leaving the screen. "Scared." He paused the game and looked at me. "Slendy told you, didn't he?" "Yep, it was exciting to learn that I'm putting everyone at risk," I said, trying not to cry. "It's okay Karmen. We'll all be fine. We've all been killing for a very long time. Don't worry," He said, giving me his goofy little smile.


I swear. Around the three month mark in pregnancy all the eating for two catches up to you. I'm starting to get a permanent food baby. It won't be to long before Jeff starts calling me fat, Hoodie starts to blame me for his missing cheesecake, and I start to eat anything and everything under the sun. Oh lord help me. Anyway, I guess either Zalgo's not coming or he's waiting till I'm, like, about to burst. Since I haven't been allowed to leave the mansion, I have gotten in touch with my friends from school. I guess everyone assumed I had been murdered since I pretty much dropped off the face of the earth. Other than that I've pretty much just been twiddling my figures. BEN is actually started to get excited about the baby. Oh, almost forgot to mention, I find out the gender today! I walked down to Slendy's room and knocked on the door. "Come in," he said. "Hey Slendy." "Are you ready to find out the gender," he asked excitedly. Guess BEN's not the only one excited about the baby. "Ready as I'll ever be," I said nervously. I sat down and let Slendy do his weird seeing thing. After maybe 2 minutes, Slendy said happily," congratulations Karmen! It's a girl!" Okay, I have to admit, I'm freaking out! I mean at first I didn't really care if it was a girl or a boy but deep down I wanted a girl. "Thank you Slendy," I said all bubbly happy.

I went to BEN's room to tell him the news. I knocked on the door. *thump* "huh," I heard BEN groan. I obviously just woke sleeping beauty. I opened the door and said quietly,"BEN. It's Karmen." BEN sat up rubbing the back of his head. Not because he just woke up but because hit it on the side table on his journey to the ground. "Are you awake?," I asked. "No," he groaned. "Are you ticklish?," I asked trying to conceal my laughter. "Ya, why?," he croaked. "THIS IS WHY!," I said, completely tackling him and tickling him. I stopped when he started to scream "IM UP!!! IM UP!!!" He got up and sat on his bed. I sat down next to him. "I have news," I said trying not to go freakout girly on him. "What is it? It's not Zalgo is it?!," he said freaking out for a moment until I calmed him down. "No, No! It's the baby," I said calmly. "Is Heshe okay?" "Yep, I just found out 'Heshe' is a she," I said beaming with happiness. Although BEN didn't stick around to react before he fainted I know they'll be BFF's when she gets here.

"Jeff!!," I yelled. "Ya," Jeff said walking down the hallway,"everything okay?" "Here," I said handing him a permanent marker and a disposable camera. He looked at me confused but he wasn't after he saw BEN unconscious on the bed. I walked down the hallway to the top of the stairs but stopped when I saw something awful. Laughing Jack standing in the living room talking to Slendy. "Hey, Karmen," he said while laughing,"long time no see my little friend."

IM BACK!!!!!! Hey guys, sorry it was gone for so long. I was moving schools. I had a lot of stress due to the fact of catching up in classes and not knowing anyone at my new school. Thank you you guys for sticking around. I will try to update more now that it's summer. ITS MEH BIRTHDAY🎉🎉🎉 So this is a special birthday update ☺️ ᎮᏋᏘᏨᏋ✌️

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