Frost bite

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(Karman's POV)

I can't believe it! I'm really a creepypasta. "You may feel sore or in pain for a few days, my child" Slendy spoke from across the room "please, rest for a day or two." I got up and walked around a little bit. My legs and arms were sore but I didn't mind. I'm way to excited! I can now go with BEN on his hunting trips. It had always been to dangerous for me because they get a little carried away but now I'm one of them. "We finally got around to getting you a room" BEN said smiling. I had been sleeping in BEN's room. (NO, I WASNT SLEEPING WITH HIM!!! We aren't like that...yet) BEN took my hand and led me upstairs, down the hall, and to a new door. How did they build it that fast? BEN opened the door for me and I was amazed. "I will let you take a look around" BEN said while leaving "I will be playing video games downstairs." The room was PERFECT. There was a queen size bed, a flat screen w/xbox sitting on a white dresser, a glass desk (where my laptop and favorite pictures now sat), a freezer (I now eat ice to stay healthy), and the walls where a beautiful light blue.


I'm glad that Zalgo agreed to make her immortal. I walked downstairs into the kitchen. "Masky!" I yelled, wondering where he was considering his cheesecake was sitting on the counter. I looked at the cheesecake and had a wonderful idea. Well, since he's not here to stop me, I reached for the cheesecake. I was suddenly knocked to the ground. "DONT. TOUCH. MY. CHEESCAKE!" Masky yelled at me. "What happened? What's with all the yelling?" Karman asked, walking down the stairs. "I was about to take some of Masky's cheesecake and he went all crazy" I said plainly, looking at Masky. He just looked at me and shrugged, his face stuffed with cheesecake. "BEN. I have been living here for less than a year and already know better than not to mess with Masky's cheescake" Karman said while laughing. I walked over to her and put my arm around her waist. "Come hunting with us tonight. We're all going and I can show you the ropes" I said looking at her. She nodded her head and I leaned down and kissed her.

(Karman's POV)

I started to walk towards the door. "I'm going for a walk, be back soon" I said to BEN. I tucked a knife inside my boot, just in case I have to kill someone. It was nice out. Cold but nice. Before, I would have been scared to be alone in the woods but now I wasn't. I felt stronger than I ever have before. I walked for a long time before I realized that I didn't know where I was. I heard snow crunching behind me. Someone was here. I couldn't tell if I was scared or excited, both of these emotions seemed to form together. I pulled out my knife, ready to fight. Ready to kill. Who ever it was seemed to be evert where at once. They where fast. Definitely faster than me. I turned around. When, I saw who it was. I wanted to scream. I wanted to call for help. He warned he would be back. Why didn't I listen?!

Love at first kill (A BEN Drowned love story)Where stories live. Discover now