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Hey u guyz! Sorry I haven't updated again but this time I have a valid reason: I was sick and in and out of the hospital. Anyways, on with the story. Oh and btw, as most of u guys know I was taking tests to get into a school and I'm glad to say that I have been accepted! Idk if u call it cussing but there's a little bit of that 😋😋

(Karmen's POV)

Silence. I can't hear anything, yet I can tell I'm in a basement because it's a normal temperature (it's freezing). I'm not to crazy about the blindfold either. I swear the next time I see that frickin clown freak I'm going to beat him senseless! Which, due to the footsteps I now hear, might be any second. The footsteps grow closer until they stop right in front of me. Finally, the silence is broken by his awful laugh. "Sorry I couldn't be back sooner my little friend, I got held up with Zalgo's requests." I can feel the pressure of a blade as his knife cuts across my left thigh. I open my mouth to scream but no sound comes out. I won't let him get to me! I can get out of here if I can just get his knife. "Aww, c'mon Karmen. I know you want to scream! I know you want to call out to BEN." I could feel his breath on my neck. It's not a pleasant feeling to have your almost-childhood- murderer breathing down your back. "I'm not afraid of you" I try to say it strongly but my voice shakes and wavers. "Don't trick yourself into thinking you can escape! Don't be so ignorant Karmen! I really thought you were smarter than that." "You don't think that! All you think about is how to kill me! Oh, and about that, I would just LOVE to hear you tell me about how you do plan to kill me" I smirk a little. If I can distract him for long enough for BEN to get here, I'll be safe. "Still undecided. Maybe if you cry and beg for me to not hurt you it won't be as bad. And remember, I said MAYBE." "Well, you can't see if I'm crying with this blindfold on, now can you?"

I couldn't think about anything but Karmen. Am I running? Am I even breathing? I don't care as long as I get to Karmen before that clown bastard lays a finger on her. I also can't stop thinking about what I heard Jeff say before we realized Karmen was missing. I look at Jeff, who runs a little farther ahead than Masky and me. Should I talk to him? I don't want him to think I hate him for it. I CANT FOCUS ON THIS RIGHT NOW! Karmen is the ONLY thing I should be worried about right now!


(Third Person)

BEN sat on the couch playing COD while Masky stuffed his face with cheesecake at the kitchen counter. Jeff sat in his room doing his now usual: thinking about Karmen. But what else would he do? I mean after all, he is in love with her. (I'm surprised if u guys didn't sense it before 😋) "Ughh! I CANT BE IN LOVE WITH KARMEN! I love her but I don't want to hurt her or BEN."


(Karmen's POV)

I. HATE. HIM!!!!! He can't go ten frickin' seconds without cutting me or jabbing me with his knife!!!! And NO, he didn't take the blindfold off!!! I hate this!!! WHERE THE HELL IS BEN???!!!! He's taking the same amount as a girl getting ready in the bathroom. Which, trust me if you wait, you will die for how long us girls take. "OW! YOU FUCKIN' RATCHET CLOWN!!! GET. YOUR. KNIFE. OFF OF ME!!!!" I am freaking out, if you haven't noticed! Worst birthday EVER!!! (Oh yeah, forget to say, HAPPY B-DAY KARMEN!!!)


Jeff walks next to me, in the living room of the 'ratchet clown's' house, laughing his butt off silently. Yep, we got her just in time to hear Karmen screaming ' YOU FUCKIN' RATCHET CLOWN!!! GET. YOUR. KNIFE. OFF OF ME!!!!'. Me and Masky stand there giggling while Jeff chokes. "FOCUS" I whisper-yell. They both stop laughing. "He's right we can laugh about this when we get home" Jeff whispers. "Okay so plan is...". "LETS GO KILL THE 'RATCHET CLOWN'!!!!!!" Jeff screams. I stand there with my mouth hanging open as Masky and Jeff burst, literally, through the basement door.

(Karmen's POV)

I'm not really in a stable condition right now but I know I can hear Jeff yell 'LETS GO KILL THE 'RATCHET CLOWN'!!!!!!'. How do I know this? 1. I have ears and 2. My freaky clown friend over here stopped dragging his knife across my already cut striped arm! Best part is: after I hear Jeff and someone else fall down the stairs, clown hoar over here - LEAVES THE KNIFE IN. MY. ARM!!!! At least I can hear L.J. getting the crap being beat out of him. (That's it with calling clown b*tch names ☺️)


It's not everyday you get to beat a clown with its shoe. So here's a rundown of what's happening: L.J. is face down on the ground, Masky is sitting on his neck eating cheesecake, Jeff is stabbing him in the back repeatedly, and I'm going over to Karmen to untie her and bring her home. I can see how many cuts she has. I am furious with L.J. I wish it was possible to kill a creepypasta and they STAY dead but then Karmen wouldn't be alive. I untie the blindfold and her, beautiful, chrystal blue eyes light up. I untie her hands from behind the chair and then her feet from the legs of the chair. She instantly, despite the painful cuts, gets up and throws her arms around me. I can see Jeff looking at us near L.J.'s temporarily lifeless body. He must have noticed because he looked down and called Slendy to teleport us out of here.



Me and Karmen walked up the stairs after Slendy had cleared Karmen's cuts. I was walking to her room when she grabbed my arm. "Um.. I was wondering if I could sleep in your room" she asked quietly. I had slept in the same bed as Karmen before but I knew that this time was going to be completely different.

Sorry, no lemon scene (Guess you know what they did now 😋). I may write a lemon scene if u guys want me to. But I'm not making any promises! I still have a semi-innocent mind and I'd REALLY like to leave it that way. Anyway rate, comment, and follow. I ALWAYS follow back ☺️. Peace.

Love at first kill (A BEN Drowned love story)Where stories live. Discover now