Chapter 1

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The day was like any other. I went to school as usual and, as every other day, I went to one of my friend's tree house, a regular thing on week days.
It was the 6 of us, from the beginning. We would walk home, stop and get food or something unhealthy, sit down on benches in the park or anywhere in town and then head to (let's call her Lucy) Lucy's back garden and all go into her tree house that was adorned with pillows and fairy lights. All of us except one, (f/n), were there.
My friends, apart from (f/n), didn't know I liked this kpop boy group called BTS. They were becoming increasingly massive by the day and (f/n) was an open fan.
I suddenly heard creaking of the treehouse, interrupting my current conversation. I knew immediately that it was (f/n).
She climbed up to the top and pulled herself up, panting from running all the way to you guys.
"You'll never...believe what I... just got in the post..." she panted.
"What?" All of my friends ask in unison, but I knew from the look in her eyes.
"I've got tickets to a BTS meeting!"

Dream //myg x reader//حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن