I had already showered and gotten dressed. I decided to let my hair down, since it was always in a bun, and wear a cozy knit sweater and some jeans.

I had momentarily pulled the sleeves of my sweater up to my elbows and caught sight of some of the scars left behind by my mother. I quickly pulled the sleeves back down and reminded myself that I was no longer the same girl who received those scars.

"You are okay," I whispered to myself.

I am stronger now.

I put any stray clothes back into my bag and placed them on the far side of my bed. Then, out of respect for the cleaning lady who would come by later today, I made my bed. As soon as I place the last pillow on the bed, my stomach grumbled. I immediately remembered the sign I passed coming into the hotel last night advertising an all-you-can-eat breakfast.

I grabbed my phone and card key and stuffed them into my back pocket. Just before leaving my room I took a quick look around and wondered if I should leave a note for Zak letting him know where I was. I decided not to since I would only be gone for a few minutes. So I closed my door and headed for the elevator.

By the time I had finished eating, I was stuffed. I knew I shouldn't have put so many waffles onto my plate. I let out a large puff of air and leaned back into my seat. My stomach was pressing so hard against my jeans it felt as if it was hard to breathe.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned on my phone, but the screen remained dark. I groaned and smacked my hand on my forehead. I completely forgot to charge it last night, and it didn't help that I had been playing on it all morning.

I looked around the main floor for any clocks, but I couldn't seem to find any. I wasn't entirely sure what time everybody planned to wake up at, but I'm sure they haven't gone to check to see if I was awake just yet.

I decided to go outside and take in the morning air. It was still early in the morning and the outside still smelt fresh and dewy. It has always been my favourite smell. I walked over to the side of the building and found a small wooden bench and decided to sit down.

The morning air was crisp and chilly, but it also had a little warmth; most likely from the sun beginning to rise. I sat my head back, stuffed my hands in the small pockets of my jacket and laid my back against the bench and took a deep inhale.

To my surprise, a panicked Zak and Aaron ran out the front doors of the building and stopped in the middle of the parking lot. Zak was running his hands through his hair and shouting at Aaron, who seemed just as panicked as him. Aaron placed both his hands on Zak's shoulders. Was he trying to calm him down?

I jumped up from the bench and began to walk toward them to hear more of what was going on between them.

"Zak, she couldn't have gone far, the lady at the desk said she just left. " Aaron stammered. "We will find her."

"I don't get it, Aaron! everything of hers is gone! Why would she run?" Zak asked his voice was cracking a little. "I thought she was happy?" he ran his hands through his hair again.

"Me too man, me too"

I walked up behind them with their backs were to me and tapped Zak's shoulder, "Did you guys lose something?"

Both of them shot around to face me. Their eyes were wider than ever before and Zak's were a little red. I did not understand what was going on.

"Where were you!?" Zak demanded.

My breath caught in my throat and I took a step back away from him.

"We thought you left, I thought you ran away. All your clothes were gone and the bed was made, and you weren't there!" He reached forward and hugged me tightly. I should've written that note.

Finding Home (Zak Bagans Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now