I didn't know what to say, I was at a lost for words. 

"I- I know Alessandro, I don't know what I was thinking. I dont want to have to rely on somebody to protect me." I sat back down on the chair and I looked back up at him. He was staring out the window.

"Well more like I wasn't thinking right." I laughed, but apparently he didn't like my jokes,

He turned around and came to until he reached me, he crouched down in front of me until we were eye level. He grabbed my hands

"You know I didn't mean that gattino, mi dispiace."

"I know you didnt but its the truth, I tend to do things on impulse, without thinking of the consequences, I guess that's why I was always getting in trouble." he got up and walked to the other side of his desk,

"I guess that's something you got from your father.."

My body ran cold and my blood was boiling, I stood up and walked in front of him, the only thing standing in between was the desk.

"Don't you dare ever mention him to me ever again or so help me god Alessandro."

"Aella it's something we need to talk about."

"NO! There is no need to bring him or mention him ever again."

"He's been looking for you Aella! He can help us!" I started to walk towards the door, I didn't want to hear any of this I needed to get out of here. Alessandro rushed out of his desk, just as I was about to reach the doorknob, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, he pushed me up against the wall using his body as a barrier keeping me from leaving.

"Alessandro get off of me."

"No you need to listen to me Aella. He's been looking for you, ever since you left my house that day, he came over the next day looking for you, I knew something was up, I told him we were over. He was furious, that's when he realized that all of your stuff was missing and we knew you were gone. He spent months looking for you, but it's as if you vanished off the planet. He's still looking for you Aella. He doesn't even know you're here, but it's a matter of hours before he figures it out."

I began to whisper to myself,

"No, I need to get out of here. I need to get out of here."

"You need to face him Aella, in spite of everything he did, you need to see him. You're the only person who can take over, you know that, he knows that, everyone knows that Aella."

"I don't want anything that comes from that piece of shit I have for a father."

"He needs you Aella, the rest of his gang needs you."

The next words that came out of his mouth made my blood boil even more if that's possible.

"Your mom would have wanted you to Aella."

I pushed him off of me.

"Don't you ever mention her name ever. Do you really think I owe that man anything, He doesn't need me. He needs a punching bag, he needs someone to blame, He doesn't need a daughter nor does he want one. I'm tired of running from him, since the day my mother died, I spent my days hiding, running from him, from his beatings, from his blames and all because he thought those things would build my character? And for you to say he needs me, I don't owe that man shit. Matter of fact he owes me something two things actually, one, my childhood, and two, a mother. You know what it's like going to a funeral when your 13, seeing your mother's unrecognizable body, knowing the killer was sitting right next to you. You don't do you." I didn't realize how hard I was clenching my hands until I saw my nails digging deeper and blood running from my hands.

"Aella what do you mean?" thats right, no one knew that the reason my mother was dead was because my dead beat father killed her..

"You know what it's like Alessandro coming home from an amazing day at school one day only to have it flip around. That disgusting piece of shit came home yelling at my mother, and i've never heard him yell like that ever, so I did the first thing I could, I hid under the table. He came in and pushed my mom to the floor


"" what do you take me for a fool? You think i'm fucking stupid Carina? Huh? Answer me!" he was standing over my mother's body gripping her hair, banging her head against the tiles.

"Luciano please stop, I don't know what youre talking about."

"Oh please Carina you knew exactly what you were doing." He turned her over and slapped her across the face,

"I'm tired of being ridiculed Carina, everyone in this damn town knows the whore of a wife I married, I know the things you've done. The men that have come in and out of this home while I'm gone. I have eyes everywhere Carina."

" Luciano I haven't done anything, people are feeding you lies."

" Ha Ha you think my men will feed me lies, this is a united family Carina, we protect ourselves, but you have brought shame to our family. I will not let you expose our daughter to the same vile way you have." He grabbed her by the neck and slapped her, the sound resonating off every wall in this house.

"Luciano please, Aella needs me."

"Aella needs a mother not a whore, although now because of you she won't have that either."

"Please I'm begging you don't do this."

"Carina Mia, you don't get to beg anymore."

"Luciano!"he stomped on her kicking her yelling filthy names at her and all I could do was watch from under the table listening to her screams.

"AELLA!" Her screams then died down and all you could here was her struggling to breathe and I knew from that moment that there was nothing I could do. So I sat there and watched as he got up and went to the kitchen. He came back with a knife, she mustered all her strength and let out one more scream,


he slit her throat and all you could hear was her choking on her own blood before the eerie silence took over. He dropped the knife and came straight to the table, lifted the cloth and put a finger to his lips ushering me to keep quiet, he went and washed his hands came back and grabbed me from under the table, I took one last look at the beautiful women I once called a mother now unrecognizable and lifeless, and he dragged me outside.


" He made keep that secret since that same day, but everything I did reminded him of her, he hated me. I lived everyday in fear of not seeing the next. So now tell me Alessandro, why should I owe that man anything? I am not going back to him and I will never speak of him again. That man i'm supposed to call my father took the only thing that mattered. He killed my mother." 

Escape // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now