5. Friend or Foe?

Start from the beginning

"Why does everything I say gotta be a joke?"

"Because you're a joke, duh!"

"Ouch! That hurt." He rubbed his chest, and winced as if he was in pain. "Why you gotta do me like that?"

"You're so annoying! I swear." I giggled, unfolding my arms and leaning across the table to grab a hold of his hand. My eyes wandered his new tattoo that was covered up in plastic. For years he had talked about getting tatted but knowing his mom I didn't think he would go through with it. "So, you really went through with it. How did mom react?"

"You know how she is, she yelled for a while but I think she's warming up to the idea now." He took off his sweater exposing his shoulder, and pulled down the "v" of his shirt so I could see his chest that was also covered in ink.

"I see." I grazed my finger against the area, before leaning back in my seat.

"Yeah, but like I was saying since you've been avoiding me I'm going to take this time to update you on what happened this summer. Man, I tell you, thi-." I watched his lips begin to move but I was so distracted by the sound of a loud conversation happening behind the bookshelves behind me, I always tried to my best not to be nosey but they were basically begging for it; with the way they were speaking.

"All I'm saying is you get her to relocate the party to her crib, you get her drunk enough for us to rob the place and dip."

"You know she won't be down for that. She's already making excuses as it is. Jer, why isn't the car enough?"

"Because they can track a car easily. I don't want that on my hands; I'd rather the cash and I need you to just make it happen. Her dad never leaves the city much less the state. This is our only chance; do you want those new red bottoms or not..."

"I mean, I do but I just don't think this is a smart idea. Zo isn't one to play."

"And Zo won't find out. It'll be her fault for letting the party happen in the first place and I'll make sure she's gone off that good so that she won't even know that happened."

"Jerome... I don't know about this. Why do you wanna steal from him anyways?"

"I told you, I'm working for someone much better now. Making double what I made before and you don't have to know, just be a rider and do as your told. Get Nya to-."

"Hello, earth to Aaliyah! Are you listening to me?" My eyes widened; realizing what I just heard. I looked up to see Ricky waving his hand in my face. "Did you hear a word I just said?"

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about this math test I got next period." I took up my textbook and notebook, stuffing into my bag as fast as I possibly could. "I'll catch up to you later okay?"

"Why the rush, you got a whole thirty minutes till last period."

"I just have something I have to do. I'll call you later."


"I promise." I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and before I could walk away he grabbed my hand.

"I really miss you Aaliyah... I want us to work this out. I want you more than anything right now."

"Ricky, I really gotta go." without another word, practically flew out of the library, heading down the stairs to where they kept all the advanced courses. I peeked through the glass doors, making my way down the hallway, without a doubt Nya would be in one of these rooms.

Not it, not it, wait is that her? .. Nope, not it. Bingo! I stared into the computer lab, and pulled my phone out of my pocket; texting Nya to come out. I stepped away from the door so her teacher wouldn't see me, and began pacing the floor; waiting for a response.

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