Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I sat at the table in my aunts spa. It's always quiet, too quiet. I began to hear footsteps. I looked up towards the noise.

"Gabe," I said. "what are you doing here?"

"I'm off today. What are you doing here?"

"Just hanging while Dillon's at school."

I stared into his eyes. He gave me a concerned look.

"Are you okay? You look as if something is bothering you?"

"What me?" I asked breaking my day dreams.

"No, I was talking to Casper behind you." He giggled. "Yes you."

He pulled up a chair and sat right across from me.

"I... I don't know. I just want to know why Dillon is so rude. Rude to me!"

His face altered from a smile to a frown.

"Did he say anything?" Gabe asked.

"He was about to when the doorbell rang." I said.

"Who was it?" He asked.

"The pizza delivery man! We thought it was a prank because we didn't order pizza." I replied.

"That's weird."

"Yeah, do you know why he acts this way?" I asked.

"I think he will tell you when he's ready."

"What? what do you mean by...."

I was suddenly cut off by Aunt Clara's voice.

"Alex can you help me with inventory?"

I gave her a blank stare, then got up.

"Sure." I said while walking behind her.

"We'll talk about this later." I demanded at Gabe.

Aunt Clara brought me to the storage room.

"Okay Alex," She began. "I need you to count what's in these boxes and write them on this chart."

"Sure." I replied.

"I'll be back in a hour."

I began to count and write. 23 minutes passed and I could hear Dillon and Gabe talking.

"..... I mean she's beautiful! I was so scared when she couldn't breathe that night. It reminded me of mom....."

He's talking about me?! I thought he hated me! I continued to listen.

"........ After mom died, I didn't know what to do. Then she came into my life. It's like I've fallen in love and, it's only been 2 weeks........"

He loves me? I walked to the door and placed my hand on it. Should I go out? I took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

Dillon turned around and stared at me. His face turned bright red. I looked into his eyes for a moment and ran out.

"Alex wait!" I heard him yell to me.

I pushed the door opened and put my back against the cool brick building. He ran out also almost passing me.

"Alex...." He began but I cut him off.

"I wasn't ease dropping I swear! Clara asked me to do inventory." I said while my face changed shades of red. He put his hands on my shoulders.

"Don't freak out it's okay. I believe you."

I gave him a weird look.

"Who are you and what have you done with Dillon?"

He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Come on let's go home I need to talk to you."

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