Prologue; Bored

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The cold frigid air of Winnipeg Canada passed through the Airport as Alastair got ready to board his flight. His family, consisting of his mother, father, and younger sister had already said their goodbyes and were most likely on their way home by now.

Alastair took one last look at the only home he'd ever known, he was born and raised in this city and now he was leaving. He adjusted his scarf which was sitting comfortably over his nose, down under his chin and breathed in deeply. He was going to miss this place...

Just kidding.

Alastair grinned eyes beaming brightly with excitement as he hauled his backpack over his shoulder almost skipping onto the flight. He took his seat in the aisle and got ready for a long trip. First, he needed to fly to Toronto and then endure a painstakingly long trip to Brisbane in Australia and then a third flight to his final destination.

'This is it' he thought to himself 'My chance to fix everything, possibly my only other chance, shit, i better not stuff this up'

His mind began to wander, and his breathing hitched and throat began to close up, he crinkled his nose and be began to shake.

'No' he tried to relax, his slowed his breathing and took sip of water

'not here

'Not now'

And with that he'd managed to relax, 'nobody has to know, I can just forget about what happened"

"I'll be fine" he whispered under his breath



Yo, trashy author here

This is my first real story, I have put a lot of planning and preparation into this but like exams are right round the corner and I've been wanting to upload this for months but I didn't have the time so I thought, hey, I'll upload the prologue now that way I'll have established some kind of reader base that will motivate me. So I'll upload the next chapter next week and then we'll continue from there. I plan to upload one chapter a week but if it gets popular I'll start uploading more frequently.

K, thx Bai 

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