xii. the hunt for liberation

Start from the beginning

"Feels like somethings up." Nick pursed his lips. Olivia had to admit that a delay from George, who was famously never late to a commitment, was suspicious. Yet Nancy was almost always running behind schedule and forgetting one thing or another as she let her bloodhound instincts rule her logical brain. So she supposed if one was stuck with the other, the pendulum would have to swing somewhere.

"I'm going to let it slide because it means we get a head start against the actual sleuth." Olivia joked, trying to pull the focus from anything less than cheerful for Bess's sake. Ace nodded in agreement. It really wasn't much fun to play against a puzzle-solving wizard like Nancy.

"What's up, is that we're about to crush this hunt. Not many people know this about me, but the woods, they speak to me." Ace declared, his voice turning light and dreamy at the end. Olivia scoffed, shoving him lightly.

"Okay, Crocodile Dundee, let's see what this first clue is." She nodded to the roll of parchment and Ace laughed. He untied the ribbon and draped it atop her head like a crown. She scoffed and batted it away when it tickled her nose. A loud buzzing began and Ace reached into his back pocket to pull out his phone. George's name and scowling face lit up the screen. It was a photo Ace must've taken without her permission during one of their shifts. Without a second thought, he tapped the answer and held it to his ear. Distorted bursts of chatter met Olivia's ears and she paused to wait for him, watching his face intently.

"Does it have to be now?" Ace groaned. Another burst of chatter in response. Ace sighed, giving Olivia an apologetic look. "I'll be there in a minute."

"Is everything okay?" Nick asked, his brows knit together with concern. Ace's eyes shifted nervously between Bess and Nick.

"Yeah, It's the new line cook, they're having some issues so George needs me to come into work. He can't figure out how to start the stove. I tried telling him to punch the side and kick the left corner but he's not getting it."

"That sounds like a fire hazard." Olivia's eyes widened.

"It's on the list." Nick sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Just keep me updated." Ace nodded and then looked down at Olivia with a slight wince.

"I'm so sorry. I can tell them to screw it and stay." She could tell that if she said so, he would. She sighed and gave him a tired but sweet smile.

"No-" She held up a hand to stop him from interjecting. "It's fine, go. Don't worry, I've solved this thing alone loads of times. I'll miss you though."

"I'll just run there and back. I'll text you when I'm leaving and I'll meet you wherever you are." He leaned down to place a chaste kiss on her cheek before rushing off.

"Bye," Olivia called after him. She let her face fall with disappointment when he turned his back. "Well, I guess it's a riddle-solving trio now."

"Actually," Bess craned her neck as she caught sight of someone down the path. "It's just going to be a duo. I need to speak with Aunt Diana before dinner."

"Come on, let's show these blue-bloods who's boss." Nick draped an arm across her shoulders and pulled her into his side. She laughed and let him lead her along as they read through the first clue. They wove down the path making a zigzag pattern and joking back and forth. It really was fun, and Nick made a better partner than she thought he would. The first two clues were simple enough. One, hidden in a Mad Hatter-style tea party, and the other, within the gears of a decrepit line of haunting grandfather clocks. Olivia found herself having quite a lot of fun. Nick was almost as competitive as she was, and thanks to that, they were far ahead of the other teams.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you, Nickerson." She announced as he brandished the rolled piece of parchment from where he'd taken it from the clock. He gave her a cheesy grin and hopped down from the log he'd used as a footstool. When he reached her he presented it like he was giving a gift to the queen. Olivia's phone let out a shrill cry and she dug it out of her pocket. Upon seeing Ace's name, she immediately answered.

Hourglass → Ace; Nancy Drew [1]Where stories live. Discover now