Chapter 34

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I folded the covers neatly back on my bed, and then fluffed my pillow case. Today we were headed to the football field to practice before the actual competition. Smiling at Eliza, Peyton, and Ashley who had just appeared out of the bathroom from getting ready, I rummaged through my suitcase until I found my practice wear.

This year, Cheetah's practice wear was an orange sports bra that said "CEOCP" on it, and navy blue shorts that matched the color of the writing. I also took out my blue and white cheetah print bow, straightener, and daily makeup. Then I entered the bathroom and plugged in my straightener in the electric outlet on my left.

Ashley, Peyton, and Eliza already were in their practice wear, and were now working on each other's hair and makeup. Ashley was currently helping Eliza with her poof while Peyton was applying her makeup.

I turned around and glanced at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was still straight, but it was knotted and tangled. There was black makeup streaked under my eyes which were highlighted by puffy bags. My cheeks looked splotchy and red, and my eyes looked tired. Clearly, I had some work to do.

While my straightener was heating up, I rummaged through my makeup bag until I found my foundation. It was actually a shade darker than my skin tone because we wanted to look tan on the mat under the spotlights. I took out a giant Kabuki brush with black and white bristles, and then started to rub foundation on my cheeks. After I spread it out evenly across my cheeks and forehead, I blended it all in using the same brush.

Next, I applied concealer under my eyes to hide the bags that had appeared overnight. Then I added a bit of bronzer and blush to highlight my cheekbones, and took out some eye primer. Although my face makeup was supposed to look nice, my eyes mattered most, so I concentrated really hardly on them.

I applied a neutral smokey eye using shades of brown, gold, white, grey, and pink. Then I added a thick line of black gel liner and winged it out. Next, I found my most voluminous mascara and applied three coats, making sure to apply a layer to all of my lashes. Then I added lipstick and gloss for the finishing touches, and moved on to straighten my hair and put it up.

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