Chapter 23

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*Skip to next day*

I leaned against the couch cushion and scrolled through my Instagram feed. Matt had just posted a new picture with Peyton and Eliza captioned, "Feeling lonely and missing someone. Come back @ca_summer." My face automatically flushed red, and guilt ate at my insides.

I decided to comment back, "I just need some time to think. I'll be back at the gym soon." because I figured, with the hundreds of comments he would already be getting, that he wouldn't even see my post. But instead, he replied:

"Thank god. Missing you, Sums."

Just then, my email pinged with a new message. I exited out of Instagram and opened my mail app. The message was from Cheer Athletics and was captioned, "Worlds Diet!" Rolling my eyes, I clicked on the message and immediately thought of Jamie. I knew that she would already be dieting long before the email was sent out.

Dear Cheetahs,

As you know, Worlds is in less than a month. We are so excited to be competing again this year with a Full Paid Bid (that you just earned last competition) as a team. But, there are a bit of rules and regulations y'all as young athletes must follow in order to maintain a good reputation for Cheer Athletics. Our athletes are known for their well-fit bodies and beautiful smiles. So, us coaches have decided that y'all must follow a diet to prepare yourself for Worlds. Enclosed is an attachment of healthy meals and snacks to eat during the day including recipes and instructions. Please follow all directions and remember: this is not a joke, Cheer Athletics is a gym well known for their fit athletes, and this is to be taken seriously.

Thank you,

Coaches of Cheetahs

So. It's official. Worlds is coming up very soon.

Becoming A World ChampTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang