Chapter 26

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"She hasn't moved in hours," Emily says worriedly. I can see her anxious face floating above me. "What's wrong now?"

"We think we've finally got the MRI issue sorted out," the doctor says soothingly. "We'll be able to find out soon."

"Well, hurry the hell up," Emily snaps. "We're getting billed for every minute you guys spend sitting around picking your noses."

"I assure you, Ms. Somers, we're doing everything in our power," the doctor says, stiffly this time. "I'll let you know when the MRI is ready."

Emily sighs and drops back into her chair. I know she doesn't think I can hear her when she mutters, "They'd better figure this out soon, Sasha, because if they don't, you won't have much of a life to go back to when it's over."

* * *

A terrible sound jerks me out of sleep and away from yet another vision of Other Sasha. I bolt upright in bed and look around wildly, heart hammering. The sound comes again, raising the hair on the back of my neck. It's thin and raspy and sounds like a demon come to eat my eyeballs and suck my soul out through the sockets.

It's coming from Dove's bed. I lunge across the room and drop to my knees beside the bed, now awake enough to realize that nothing is attacking her. The sound is coming from Dove. For a moment, I'm elated that she's finally confirmed my suspicions. But then I realize that something must be really wrong for her to throw away her mask like that.

What can I do? Would Ismeni send for a Healer? Is there even enough time? I hesitate, wondering if trying to communicate with Ismeni even nonverbally is too dangerous. Probably. But I can't do nothing. I grab Dove's walking stick and head for Ismeni's rooms, desperately hoping that I'm not about to give myself away and deliver myself into some fresh new hell at the hands of the House of Light and Shadows.

Ismeni is disoriented and annoyed at being woken up the middle of the night. I give her Dove's walking stick. It takes her a minute of confused whining, but, all things considered, she seems to grasp what I'm trying to tell her fairly quickly--I think. I hope.

To her credit, she doesn't hesitate. She just wraps a blanket around her shoulders and pulls me out the door. It's the first time I've seen her leave her room looking less than immaculate. It occurs to me that Ismeni might actually care about us, at least a little bit.

When we reach Dove, we find her gasping, her breath rattling in her throat. Ismeni throws a ball of light against the wall, where it clings like a glowing lump of dough. I stand as close as I can manage without blowing my already mostly-blown cover. Ismeni takes Dove's hand in one of hers while talking rapidly into the other like she's holding a walkie-talkie. She is holding something, I realize--I think it's one of her bracelets, or maybe a brooch.

"A Healer's on the way, my Dove," Ismeni whispers, rubbing Dove's hand. "Everything's going to be fine. You're not going anywhere. We still need you, little Blue and I. Dove. Dove? Look at me."


Ismeni freezes, her eyes wide and fixed on Dove's mouth. I find myself moving forward almost against my will. I drop to my knees next to my mistress and put my hand over hers and Dove's. I don't dare look at Ismeni but I feel her gaze like a laser beam. With an effort I can feel through my fingers, Dove raises her eyes to mine.


Ismeni gasps and wrenches her hand away, scrambling backwards. I lean closer to Dove.

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