Past lovers and explanation

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Scorpio pov

"Let me get this straight, you let Libra, who is just getting better go off to find Axel!?!?!" Gemini questioned angrily while Aquarius trembled scared shitless. She of all people should have known not to let her do this kind of thing on her own and yet she did. Oh right now we're at the front door of the mansion, and I'm just standing there watching Aquarius and Gemini argue,

"I tried to tell her not to go or if she did let me go with her, but she wouldn't listen to me," Aquarius defended.

"That's no excuse to let her go on her own! Why didn't you follow her or something?" Gemini demanded. Aquarius laughed bitterly, as she looks at him darkly with a killer intent.

"Oh please, like your one to talk. You're the reason for her illness at the moment, so don't go blaming me," retorted Aquarius.

"I can blame you all I want! My girlfriend is out there with some weirdo who has Aries, Aries of all people scared shitless and you say don't blame you? You should have told us what was going on from the get go but you decided to wait until we asked you!" Gemini growled.

"Can both of you shut up, your giving me a headache," I spat and thankfully it got them to shut up; or so I thought.

"Well since you seem to be so uncaring about your sister why don't you go do whatever it is you do when you're only," Aquarius sneered. Seriously her attitude towards me lately is starting to piss me the hell off.

"For your information I do care about my sister, so I'm trying to remember a location spell but you assholes won't shut up. And if your done being a bitch make yourself useful and find out what Leo is doing to are kitchen, I'm starting to smell smoke and I don't have the power to put of a fire," I replied calmly, crossing my arms over my chest as I lean on a nearby wall.

"Whatever," she huffed before walking with a scowl on her face. I sighed in annoyance while I heard a little chuckle erupted from Gemini, as he put his hand over his mouth to prevent form laughing.

"And what pray tell is so funny?" I questioned darkly.

"Well in the past she would normally freeze up anytime you talk to her or she would become bashful, but, now it seem like she hates your living guts. That glare she gave was so dark that I thought she was actually going to kill you," he laughed. Flipped him off which caused him to laugh hard and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Besides what's the worse she can do? It not like she can use mind torturing on me," I state and I Gemini instantly freeze.

"She not going to be able to do ever right?" I he asked fearfully.

"It depends, then more her powers grow the more she'll be able to do," I replied plainly. Gemini seemed to get paler by the second, like he was going to turn into a ghost or something. He was brought back to reality when we heard the front door burst open to reveal a nervous Libra and a confused Aries.

"Hey guys, do you mind getting everybody in the living room to talk?" Libra questioned nervously.

"Forget that, why the hell would you go off alone to face Axel!" I demanded.

"So they know what's going on and yet I don't?" Aries questioned angrily.

"Well I would explain it once we get everybody in the living room," Libra replied. I sighed knowingly she wouldn't answer any questioned I asked her until we have whatever meeting this was going to be about.

Once we all gathered in the living room Libra explained to us happened earlier and started to explain the situation to Aries, who looked confused and shocked. It's understandable considering the circumstances, but I didn't expect her to look this shocked.

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