chapter5- Speeches And Insecurity

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A/N hey everyone! i hope you are liking this story. i have written quite a bit but i am only updating this part. :( i like to stay ahead so i dont update all at once.  

please comment and vote. i like to hear what you guys think. if you comment first i might start dedicating some chapters. you may be first. lol im just rambeling on. 

tbh rikki-leigh is a great listener and especially when she knows how it feels. p.s im talking about the convo she and i had so dont worry if you dont understand, 

anyways pumpkins and supercarrots i give you chapter 5 of IBYLYVYRTB - speeches and insecurity 

love from- 

Hannah :Dx chap[ter 5 speeches and insecurity

Jinda's pov 

We were all ready for the party and were looking hot. We drove to club and walked inside. Most of the guests were already there. It was really nice. Everyone was finding their seats. Louis and Samantha had to be the last ones inside.

I walked over to Kelly, niall, Zayn, Liam and I's table. Samantha, Louis, Josie, harry and Hannah were sharing a table. Our tables were right next to each other's. I sat between Liam and Kelly. Harry went up on stage after everyone was sat to say his best man speech.

"I'd like to congratulate the newlyweds. As the grooms best friend and best man I have quite a few things to say. To Samantha..." he started as he unfolded the piece of paper he held in his hand.

"I want you to know that I have never seen Louis ever happier than when he is with you. He always talks about you which make me a bit lonely. You seem to be a nice, funny and genuine person who is perfect for Louis. I hope that you keep him as happy as he is now and that one day I find a girl just as beautiful and perfect for me just as you are for Louis." He smiled throughout it. I saw Sam blush quite a few times.

"To Louis, I hope that I will always be a part of your life to see where this takes you. I love seeing you happy and I know how head over heels you are for this girl. I wish that we can make more memories for ourselves. I love you to bits and I'd now like to say a few words on behalf of my other three brothers." He said without dropping his Cheshire grin.

"Dear Sam welcome to our little family!" he shouted with his arms spread out. "Thank you everyone." They were his last few words before leaving the stage and retreating back to his seat.

There were a few more speeches said by: Louis, Samantha, Louis mum, Samantha's mum and Georgia. It was now mine and Hannah's turn.

We walked up to the microphone and I pulled my speech out of shoe since I had nowhere else to have it. People look confused at my action so I explained why it was in my shoe.

"You are all probably confused why I pulled my speech out of my shoe but as you can see I am wearing a dress so I actually had nowhere else to keep. Well nowhere appropriate when I got up on stage if you know what I mean." I said.

"Anyway I have been waiting forever to see my baby girl to get married." Hannah started. Samantha gave her a stupid look and Hannah laughed.

"I always knew that her prince charming would come and treat her right which I congratulate Louis for because that's exactly what you did. I have never seen a more perfect couple or a more perfect wedding but not including the fight. It was beautiful. I can now say that there is such thing as perfect and they are sitting right over there. Congrats guys!" she finished and pointed to Louis and Samantha as she said 'right over there'. She left the stage and sat back down. I grabbed the microphone and held it up to my mouth.

"I'd like to say that today has been amazing. I congratulate Samantha and Lou. I want to thank Samantha for helping me during my hard times. Whenever I'm down you always seem to bring a smile to my face. I want to thank Louis for making Samantha incredibly happy. I know everyone has said this but I want you to hear it from my perspective. A girl like Samantha is impossible to find and Louis there is no one like you. You are so similar but both have different qualities. I know that I would jump in front of a train for either of you. But you seriously were made for each other and the man upstairs probably made the best decision ever by uniting them today. There is no better description for perfection." I said and they looked sweetly at me. But what they didn't know is what I was going to say next.

"Oh and please don't stay 'up all night' because the walls are very thin. Thank you." I smiled evilly through that and people cracked up. I know that I'm going to get an earful from Mrs Samantha Tomlinson later on but YOLO!

I went and sat down and some people including the names Hannah, Harry and Georgia gave me high fives.

Hannah's pov 

Jinda finished up with a joke about Samantha and Louis in the bed room. She came down and I was cracking up. I gave jinda a high five for that little stunt of hers. It was hilarious. As she left I felt a pair of eyes look at my direction from behind me. I thought it would have been Samantha but.....

Niall's pov 

She was still beautiful even when she laughed. The way she placed her hand over her mouth made me want her even more. I never believed in love at first sight but I am starting to. I haven't even talked to her yet. When I first saw her come down that hill in her bridesmaid dress my heart skipped a beat and when I saw her a few meters away from me I just wanted to go and hold her in my arms. When she was laughing I couldn't help but smile. Jinda left her and came and sat down. I was watching her every move just taking in her beauty when she suddenly turned around.

Her eyes locked with mine and we just sat there in silence. Her eyes turned to confusion and then I noticed I was smiling like a fool. I probably looked like a complete idiot. I mean I was staring at her creepily when I didn't even know her or hadn't even talked to her. I snapped out of my little phase, shut my mouth franticly and looked down into my lap. And believe me I was blushing like a tomato.

I hear a little giggle while I look at my hands. I know exactly whose laugh that is since it is the only one that can make my heart flutter. I wonder why she is laughing. Was there something I missed?

I look back up and see her smiling sheepishly. I turn away so she doesn't see me blush again. I thought she would think I was a weirdo but she was acting as if she had seen this all before. She didn't even find it weird. She found it funny.

It was time for the married couples dance. I didn't know what song they were dancing to yet but I knew that jinda was singing it. Samantha and Louis take to the middle of the room and get ready for the music to start. The song is enchanted by Taylor swift.

We all form a circle around the couple as they start to slow dance to the song. Perfect dance if I say so myself. Hannah is across the other side of the room from me and is sitting down. She looks upset.

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