chapter 2-Michael

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 i hope you are enjoying this story. i made it for my friend samantha. i know she wil like it.

anyway i want to know what you guys think so please comment. and vote if you like. have fun reading this.

love from

-Hannah :Dx super carrots rule!

chapter 2- micheal

"What is this thing that your fiancé is going on about marrying vegetables?” jinda asked me as she entered the room. She had just got home.

Jinda is a professional singer and actress. She has chocolate brown hair with golden brown ends. She has amazing brown eyes and lightly tanned skin. She is tall and was really funny and quite immature but also has a serious side to her. She is quite nice and has an amazing singing voice; Hints the singing career.

“Hannah is making pizza, Lou wanted carrots on a pizza but Hannah refused. They had a childish fight about potatoes and carrots. I made them forgive each other and now Hannah is making carrots pizza and they are going to marry the potatoes and carrots.” I explained and continued to eat my carrot.

“Sounds like I missed all the fun.” She groaned. I knew that she was having a hard time with her boyfriend Michael.

“Boy troubles?” I asked. She put her bag down, hung up her keys and greeted us.

“You could say that again. He is so impossible.” She said while running her hand through her brown hair lightly. Jinda was stressed.

“You had another fight?” she sat down next and stared at her IPhone.

“Yeah, he went and visited his ex and he swore nothing happened but you never know.” She sighed looking deeply at her screen.

“Why would he visit her?” I asked. I didn’t really like Michael. He was a bit of a play boy if you know what I mean. He had good looks but he didn’t seem like someone who would be an ideal boyfriend and she deserves better than him.

“Who knows or cares. I asked him and he said she was lonely.” She sighed again. She really can do better.

“I don’t trust him.” I stated. She looked up from her phone and to me.

“Neither do I and that’s what we were fighting about. I told him and that and he said don’t then. I asked why we were together and he said that we were in love. I told him that love includes trust and that we didn’t have any of that. I left after that. I don’t know anymore.” She replied and I could see the hurt in her eyes.

I gave her a big hug. “It’ll be okay babe.” I told her and she nodded.

“Dump him.” Hannah said out of nowhere.

We both looked up with confused expressions. I agreed with her. I knew she had something meaningful to say. Hannah looked up from the cheese was grating. She sighed before talking.

“Jinda, you deserve better than that piece of plastic. The only thing you’re going to get from this is hurt and pain. Michael is going to break your heart. Just break up with him and deal with the pain now rather than later when all the opportunities pass and you do things that you will regret. Your prince will come and Michael is not him.” She said. I knew she was right and jinda knew it too.

“I know what you mean but what if he can change for me? What if I ask him too and he changes?” she sounded so desperate. I know how much she wants that to happen but we all know that is impossible.

“Babe I think that is a bit too much to ask for. You know he can’t change even if you give him a million dollars.” I told her. She looked disappointed but she knew that it was true.

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