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Lyn silently walked through the woods, following a tune she could only hear

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Lyn silently walked through the woods, following a tune she could only hear.

Rumpelstilskin, or now known as Mr. Gold after the Dark Curse knew he wasn't alone. He had come to find his Grandson, and he wasn't leaving without him. But his eyes narrowed once he noticed as typical Peter Pan wasn't greeting his guests by himself. He had to send out his pawns.

"Come out and say hello, dearie" He called out suddenly without looking away from the trees.

Lyn walked out of the shadows from behind Mr. Gold, hands on her pockets "The Dark One, why am I not surprised?" She smirked in amusement, catching a brief glimpse of surprise flashing in the man's eyes before remaining expressionless, "Pan welcomes you to the island. He wanted me to tell you he is excited to see you again"

Rumpelstilskin stared at the girl squinting his eyes, scanning over her face for a few seconds, "Oh, yeah" He tilted his head calmly. "I'm sure he is"

"He wanted me to let you know you're welcome in Neverland, for as long as you wish to stay..." Lyn told him, picking on her fingernails, "With one caveat"

Rumpelstilskin nodded sarcastically, "There's always something with him"

Something flashed through the girl's eyes he could see, uncertainty "If you're here for the boy... well... that makes you Pan's enemy"

Rumpelstilskin hummed, "Then nothing's changed"

Lyn furrowed her eyebrows, "If you go against him, you will not survive"

Rumpelstilskin smirked slightly, standing up. "Well, the question isn't will I survive" He said, walking toward her, threateningly. Lyn refrained herself from backing away, staying put fearless. "Because we both know I won't. No, no. The real question is..." Rumpelstilskin grabbed Lyn's arm, narrowing his eyes. Lyn didn't move, staring at him defiantly "How many of you I take with me?"

Lyn looked at him in boredom, "So, is that your answer?"

Rumpelstilskin let go of her arm, stepping back "That's my answer"

"Well then" Lyn drawled out, smirking "I suppose that means I'll see you again, in less friendly circumstances"

"Count on it" Rumpelstilskin replied, starting to walk away. "And not only me will encounter you on the opposite side, your majesty. Let's see how much the past will caught up to you"

Lyn hid her confusion with a shrug. Two people already had told her something along those lines and she felt frustrated at the not knowing.

"One last thing" Lyn called out before The Dark One could leave. He stopped his walking away, hesitantly glancing over his shoulder, turning to face her. "There's something he wanted you to have" She pulled out of her satchel a straw doll, throwing it to the ground in front of the Dark One's feet. "Just so you know I now know more of you than I did before" she smirked, watching the Dark One slowly kneeling on the floor picking the doll up in recognition. "I would laugh of your tears right now, but the past me would have done the same, cry over things we haven't thought about it in years. Right now is funny thinking of that feeling" she said quietly, watching him react emotionally at the doll. She gulped, fidgeting with her necklace. "See you around Dark One" she said coldly, walking away.


Echo Cave was silent as the redhead girl walked inside.

"We have him" Lyn spoke up, startling the almost sleeping guy.

"Wha-Rose?" Drowsiness filled the young guy's voice as he became alert at the girl's voice, "You did?"

"We" Lyn corrected grimly, sighing "He's going all teamwork on us" she waved a hand dismissively. "But, we have him and in no time we'll have what we've ever wanted"

The green eyed guy smiled slightly at the girl's hidden enthusiasm, "We will, love"

Lyn smiled slightly, eyeing the space between them. "If my secrets were strong enough to pull you out of there" she told him quietly "We wouldn't have to go through all of this"

"Makes me upset" The guy began in slight amusement, ignoring mostly all she had said. "That you don't have secrets from me. It's what it would have freed me"

Lyn laughed slightly, "Too bad I'm honest"

Their light and relaxing joking faded after a few moments when the guy broke the silence, "You felt her too, didn't you?"

Lyn gnawed on her lip, "How could I not? After all this time, she still sounds the same"

"Which means, she has come to save the boy" The guy said slowly, giving her a pointed look. "Which means, she'll be your enemy this time"

The redhead slowly began to realize what Rumpelstilskin and Pan told her. Her past


"I'm afraid so, love" The guy sighed apologetically.

"But... The boy's our salvation" Lyn told him in exasperation "I can't just...."

"That means the boy is also your family, Rose"

Lyn looked away, conflicted.

Why does freedom means sacrificing someone who could be part of her family instead of a random boy?

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