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Enchanted Forest

Rose was practically a fugitive. She knew some of Regina's knights had been aware that she survived.

She was certain Regina knew she was alive. It puzzled her why she wasn't killing her herself but one of the nights she had been running away from the same poor tortured, empty shell who saved her life the first time, she understood.

Regina just wanted her out of the way because of Snow. Rose hadn't done enough to stop her cousin from babbling, for breaking their promise.

Rose valued promises. The moment Snow broke it, something broke inside of Rose. Some trust she put on the kind girl. Since that day, Rose never ever trusted Snow anything. Her feelings, how people treated her. Absolutely anything.

It was as if that trust bond shattered and she'd never be able to fix it again.

It was also, her devastating realization that got her deaf to the knight sneaking up on her.

It was when Rose was saved by the second time by a kind heart. Only this woman's song was ringing loudly in soft pain for a sudden lost.

The melody of this woman sang heartbreak but determination to not lose someone, even a stranger.

It was when Rose met genuine compassion from a stranger.

A royal stranger who knew Rose needed help. And shelter.

And for the first time, Rose found a friend in a woman called Abigail.


Rose tried for a way to return to Neverland in her dreams but none worked. Whatever Peter was dealing with, he didn't want her there.

Rose felt hurt each time she'd fail in contacting with the first boy who has helped her without asking for anything in exchange, the first person who had never turned his back on her and accepted her as a whole person, not like the freak everyone saw her as.

The lost boys were also missed. Her first family who didn't care who she was. She wanted to see them again.

Abigail, Rose somehow still kept her at arms-length even though the woman knew briefly about her as their kingdoms had little to none communication. Abigail was kind to her.

Which is why, the moment Rose received a letter from the woman, for first time asking for her help, Rose couldn't deny it.

Abigail had done a lot for her that Rose knew she had to pay somehow her kindness.


Day - Woods

The letter was specific on where to wait for Abigail. Rose had put on a hood to hide her identity as she waited for the woman in boredom.

The galloping of horses caught her attention, glancing around to see Abigail and a man riding on horseback with two of Abigail's guards behind them.

"We have reached my father's realm" Abigail told them "We should be safe here" They stopped, dismounting "Prince James. This Red Rose. A friend of mine"

Rose pulled her hood down, revealing her face to them, "I wouldn't call us friends"

Rose didn't want to get attached to her because when Abigail left, this would hurt for the girl whose heart had learned to feel again. The thought of Peter angered her, unbelieving he'd push her away. Her exterior turned cold again.

Abigail sent her a brief smile, knowingly. "You are, everyone who helps me get true love is my friend"

Rose blinked, snapping back to the present, "Right. Why did you summon me here then, Abigail?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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