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Enchanted Forest

Day - Castle

To think she knew why he died.

To think she hadn't felt sympathy enough to tell the crying girl at her side the reason why she no longer had a father.

She felt conflicted, one of the first times she felt genuine emotion and the timing couldn't be worse.

Her green eyes were locked in the coffin surrounded by several white and red roses as a dark haired girl cried on her shoulder, putting a white rose atop the coffin.

"Goodbye, father," The dark haired girl cried softly, leaning her head against the redhead girl at her side.

But the redhead's eyes wouldn't stay put in the coffin, they would stray over the balcony, seeing a woman overlooking at them and the coffin.

Her eyes were expressionless as she looked back at the girl at her side, holding a red rose. "He's in a better place now, Snow"

Snow wiped her tears, sniffling "I know, Rose. It just - It hurts"

Rose's lips twitched, "All kind of love hurts when it's gone"

Snow sniffled, nodding in sad agreement.

The woman standing in the balcony walked closer, touching Snow's shoulder "I'm so sorry, Snow"

Rose glanced at the woman, knowingly. Why couldn't she just tell Snow she was the one who sent that man to kill her father? Why did she feel sympathy for an evil woman?

Was it because she had darkness inside and sympathized with hers? Was she evil too?

Snow shook her head, trying to not to cry more, "I loved him so much"

They embraced.

The woman closed her eyes, "So did I dear" Snow sobbed. "So did I. The loss I feel for my husband must be nothing compared  to the loss you feel for your father or your uncle, Rose" Rose looked down slightly, wondering since when the woman became such a good actor. Had it not been for her nature, Rose would have fallen in the trap like Snow did. Snow and the woman pulled away. "If there's anything I can do, please let me know. I may be your mother through marriage and your aunt the same way, Rose but I'm here for the both of you dears. Truly and forever"

While Snow completely fell for it, Rose knew it was all an act.

The woman hated them. She could feel it inside. Could hear it in her heart's song.


Present Day


Night - Pan's Camp

Lyn stared at the darkness of the island, hand in her necklace.

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