Chapter 1 - Brewed Awakening

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I am sitting alone in my favourite corner at Brewed Awakening, savouring my usual - hot caramel macchiato with an extra drizzle of caramel.

Trying to focus on the words on the book is harder than I had expected. All I am doing is re-reading the same lines over & over without understanding any of it.

The loud chatter of other customers of the coffee shop constantly demand my attention. I finally gave in to my nosiness and slip my bookmark into the page before I shut 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. The Tom Robinson trial would have to wait.

The coffee house is more packed than I have ever seen; probably due to the unexpected downpour outside. I am so glad that my spot had been empty; but I guess since most people come in large groups, they obviously choose to sit at tables which have more than 2 seats.

I wrap both my hands around the mug & the warmth from the coffee engulfs me. I love the oxymoronic ambience of a coffee shop; an ideal mixture of serenity & chaos.

I sigh as I take another sip of my coffee and look outside the window. The raindrops are tapping against the glass; desperately knocking to be let inside. I touch my finger to it & silently ridicule the rain. Ha! You can't touch me.

Drinking hot coffee in this weather is pure pleasure. I keep looking outside the window & pretend as though I am deep in thought while I eavesdrop on the conversation behind me. Sometimes I like to listen in on other people & mentally give my opinion - dripping with sarcasm of course- and imagine how they would react to it .

The couple behind me seems to be in the middle of a break-up. The girl is talking in between sobs so I am only able to catch bits & pieces of it. But I clearly hear what the boy says next: "Listen M, the reason why I can't be with you is because I am madly in love with Saoirse."

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