Chapter 10.5- The Boner In My Middle Finger

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"Saoirse... are you there?" 

I've been silent for way too long. I have to say something. Whoever came up with the whole 'silence is golden' crap anyway? 

I clear my throat. "Yeah. I, uh.. kind of called you by accident. Sorry."

"Oh.. okay well that's fine." Is that disappointment I hear in his voice? "Anyway, since we're talking, could I ask you something?"

"Sure.." I'm hesitant because I know he's going to ask what brought out the boner in my middle finger. Telling the truth is out of the question. I just don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he got to me and that Madison and I are in a feud because of him. It would just stroke his already oversized ego. 

"So, what happened in the hallway after class? I thought we were cool? Did I do or say something wrong?" 

I give a nervous laugh and begin rambling, "Well, you know me. I'm a girl. My hormones are constantly fluctuating. And especially when it's that time of the month, y'know?"

I feel like such a hypocrite right now. I absolutely loathe people who blame girls' moods on hormones and are like 'oh she's so bitchy today, she must be on her period'. It just sets feminism back over 50 years. While I'm disgusted with myself I know that nothing makes a guy more uncomfortable than talking about menstruation. 

Sure enough, Tyler was at a loss for words. "Oh.. um.. okay well I got to go. My mom is calling me for dinner. I'll see you tomorrow in school. Bye." He hung up the phone before I could respond. 

I shnort and lie back on my bed in mental exhaustion. 

I'm so sorry. I know this is like super duper short and it's practically a non chapter which is why I made it 10.5. It's just that I know I've been MIA for ages and since an apology won't be enough this is sort of like a peace offering. 

Anyway, I've already started working on Chapter 11 so I'm crossing my fingers when I say that it should be up in a week. Vote and comment as always! xx

P.S. Shnort is slang for the whole puffing-air-out-of-your-nose-when-you-find-something-funny kind of laughter.

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