Chapter 5 - Return

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All of my bags were stacked in a pyramid in the main room and Chelsea was bouncing around at my feet, having escaped her little cat cage-thing.
She seemed very... happy? I have no idea why, of course, but she's like this pretty much 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I'm about to teleport myself into Fairy Godmother's office (Yeah, I can do that kind of magic now, I've been practising), but should I go as Holly Hook or as Mal?
I'll ask Chelsea.

I held my fingers out for her to touch and we established a link.
"Hello Mistress."
"Hey Chelsea. Can I ask you something?"
"I is answering Mistress' question!"
"Yeah. So, I'm going back to Auradon. Shall I go as Holly or Mal?"
"Mistress is going to Oar-Don. She should be her. Is you leaving I here by alone?"
"No, Chelsea. If I can get back in there, you're coming too. So you think I should go as Mal?"
She nodded as best she could with her little paw still on my finger.

"Okay Chelsea, I'll be back in around 10 minutes."
With that, I switched back to myself and turned invisible with the cloak charm, just in case. I have no idea who might be in there other than Fairy Godmother after all.
In a flash of green, I was in Fairy Godmother's office but I didn't expect to see Belle and the Beast, Adam, in there as well.
All 3 of them were staring intently at a screen on the desk in the middle if the roo., slightly pained expressions standing on their faces as someone horrifyingly familiar appeared in the glass.
"Mwahahahaha!" She threw her head back and cackled while Fairy Godmother frowned.
"What do you want, Maleficent?" Growled Adam and my mother stopped her laughing.
"Oh, hello Beastie. I wish to talk about my... ah, unfortunate daughter, of course."
Unfortunate? You killed me you witch!
"Mal?" Asked Belle.
"Indeed. I know you've been looking for her."
"We have. Do you know where she is? Ben's still heartbroken. Please tell us if you know!"
"Oh I know where she is Belle, she's gone, forever!"
"No..." whispered Fairy Godmother.
"Oh yes, I killed her myself."
"You monster!" Shouted Adam furiously. She did all but grin madly.
And I felt sick.
"Hmm, seems I've got more important things to do than discuss my daughter. Ta!" She laughed again and the screen went black.

"What are we supposed to tell Ben?"
"I don't know Belle. He's been breaking down ever since Mal left and now she's dead."
"We should tell him tonight Adam.
And they left. Meanwhile, I was frozen in place, staring in shock at the screen where my mother had been moments before. She thinks I'm dead. King Beast thinks I'm dead, Queen Belle thinks I'm dead. Fairy Godmother thinks I'm dead. And soon Ben will too.
When I came to my senses, snapping out of my mental universe, I saw that Fairy Godmother was attacking her computer, scrolling through file after file. Under closer inspection, I saw that she had scrolled down to the file on me; my school record. I watched as her mouse floated towards a large red button in the top left. She was going to delete all records of me at Auradon.
Not happening.

"No!" I shouted and she jumped in surprise, shovelling her chair around and staring directly into my eyes - well, directly through my eyes.
"Please don't press it."
"Mal..?" She whispered.
"I'm hearing things." She said to herself and I physically had to grab her arm away from the mouse.
"Ow! What-?"
"Don't delete it. I'll show you why in a second."
I crossed the room, grabbed the chair that Beast was on just minutes ago and propped it up against the door handle, preventing anyone from getting in. I closed the blinds on the one window then turned back to Fairy Godmother. Her eyes were flitting between the door and the blinds, staring as if they were ghosts. Then I touched my thumb to the cloak on my necklace, and became visible once more.

The shock on her face was indescribable. It was kind-of comedic actually.
"Mal..." She whispered and I nodded.
"Now I'm definatley dreaming." She looked away and I sat down on the remaining visitor's chair.
"No. You're not."
"You're meant to be dead. Maleficent said she killed you."
"She did... sort of. I was brought back by my magic cat."
"Anyway, my Mother thinks she has killed me and now I'm sure she's going to target Auradon, if she hasn't already."
"Okay. So do you want to move back in Mal? We still have a few vacant beds."
"I would love to. But, it may be Holly moving in instead."
"...Who's Holly?"
"My alter ego. My mother thinks I'm dead, so I can't be me. And I'd rather my friends didn't know I'm back, what if I have to leave again?"
She nodded.
"Ok. Can I just see what Holly looks like? And, uh, how you change into her? I need to check if it's safe to be around."
"Of course," I told her and touched the mask and microphone charms, thus transforming into Holly Hook.

Her mouth fell open.
"Magic charms..." She muttered.
"Where did you get that?"
"Its the only thing I have from my father; 4 original charms and 5 new ones made by me."
"That's a one-of-a-kind. You say your father gave it to you? It's impressive that you were able to add more charms."
"Thank you. This is Holly Hook. She is Captain Hook's daughter and has been sheltered below deck on the ship on the Isle her whole life. Never seen daylight until now."
"Okay 'Holly.' When can you move in?"
"Is now okay? I just need to teleport my bags."
"Of course! But let me do the honours."
"Thank you. Er, can I bring my cat? She won't be any trouble, I promise."
Fairy Godmother just smiled warmly.
"She'll be your responsibility, but okay."
"Yes Fairy Godmother."
We smiled at each other, then I did something that surprised us both. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. She hugged back. It was nice, I had forgotten what it was like to be loved, by someone other than a cat, I mean. No offence, Chelsea.

When we finally let go, Fairy Godmother did her magic ("Bibbity Bobbity Boo!") And all my bags appeared in a silver sparkle.
Chelsea immediately pounced on me and I held her close. I don't know how Fairy Godmother knew where my bags were, don't ask. Oh well, guess I'll never know.
"Is that Chelsea?" Asked Fairy Godmother and I nodded.
"How do you know Chelsea?"
"I went to visit Wonderland once, I met her down there. Of course, she was a lot smaller then but just as cute."
"Yep. Queen Alice gave her to me when I went to see her for advice. She's the cat that healed me."
"Chelsea has powers?"
"She does. Here, hold out your fingers."
She did so and I held Chelsea up who gently placed a purple paw upon them.
The look of surprise on her face was priceless, I couldn't stop myself from laughing at least a little bit.

"Aw, I've missed you too Chelsea," she finally said and took her hand away, I put the cat down and she continued to circle my legs exactly how she was before I left for Auradon.
"Holly? Is it okay if Jane takes you to your room? She's right outside." She said to me and I nodded.
"Its rude to eavesdrop young lady!" She raised her voice slightly and I watched as the door slowly cracked open, revealing a tomato-red Jane. Wow, she's so much bigger now.

"Jane, can you take Holly here to room 347?"
"Of course. Can I get some of your luggage Holly?"
"Thanks Jane," I replied and we grabbed the 3 bags I had and began to walk down the hallway, Chelsea scampering after us.
Jane tried to strike conversation.
"So, what do you think of Auradon so far?" She asked me and I thought about overdoing it, but is it a better idea to just be myself. Or will that be too Mal-ly?
"Er, Holly?"
"Oh, sorry. Lost in thought."
She laughed. "Clearly."
"It's so big. So many rooms, but you and Fairy Godmother are the only people I've met so far."
"Oh. Well, you'll like your roommate. Everyone likes her."
If everyone likes her, it's not Audrey.
Lonnie, perhaps?
Or maybe Jane?
Nah, she wouldn't address herself as 'her.'
I felt like we were walking down a familiar corridor, but all the corridors look the same so that's just me thinking about my old room.
When we finally got to the right dormitory, the door was ajar.
Jane nudged it open and I felt like i had just been slapped in the face.
My eyes were met with the very same sewing machine that I knew so well, a red bag that had been slung over a bedpost and a very familiar-looking letter pinned above the bed. The very same note that I had written to Evie the day I left.
I'm back in my old room.

Question of the Chapter!
Why do you think Fairy Godmother put Mal in her old room?

Comment Below!

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