Chapter 9

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* Stefanie's P.O.V *

I woke up wearing my slip from the night before in Klaus's huge bed . He was nowhere to be found .Uh-Oh . I lost a hot guy ! I went through one of the drawers and found some boxeres and laughed . Hahaha . I tried the next drawer down and found what I was looking for . A huge t-shirt . I grabbed it and slid it on , walking out into the big open mansion. It was very classy . I looked around and Klaus was nowhere to be found . I sighed . I guess I'll just snoop around a little . I checked a few rooms and found a big library and decided to check it out . On the oak desk in the corner there was a big map with alot of pins and sticky notes . I looked at the sticky notes closer : DOPPLEGANGER , STEFAN , MIKEAL , LOCKWOOD , and VICTORIA . He has been tracking me for over 90 years .I saw a picture of me from the 50's . I didn't know wheather to be repulsed or turned on by that . I was going to just go with turned on . I quietly left the library and walked into another room and gasped . Coffins ! 4 creepy coffins ! Ahh ! Now I'm gonna go with repulsed. I backed out and backed into someone. Klaus . He spun me around and chuckled  .

" What is it , Stefanie ? Did my family make a bad impression ? " he chuckled .


Klaus laughed .

" The sexy hybrid type . " he said .

I rolled my eyes and Klaus looked down at me in his shirt and smirked .

" It looks good on you .... " he said .

" Doesn't everything ? " I asked .

Klaus pulled me into a kiss , pulling me against him .

" I've really missed your fire the past hundred years ! " he said , putting a hand on my thiegh .

" Mmmm... I've missed you too . " I said .

Klaus was kissing my neck again and my phone went off .

" Who the hell is that ? " he asked .

I pulled my phone out of my bra and looked at it . Missed calls from Stefan  - 14 . Missed calls from Damon - 123 .

" My brothers . I have to go . " I said .

" I'll see you soon . Perhaps at the Founder's day parade . Maybe sooner . " he said , smirking .

I smirked back , batting my eyelashes as Klaus kissed me one last time and I was out the door . ( After I flashed back into my dress of course . )

I walked through the door of the boarding house and Stefan and Damon looked concerned . Damon was tapping his foot like an uptight mother with a wedgie .

" WHERE WERE YOU ! "  he barked .

" Pole dancing  and stripping . " I said , seriously .

" YOU DID WHAT ? " Damon thundered .

" She's kidding , Damon. " Stefan said , looking up from the newspaper .

Damon huffed and his face turned red .

" Calm down and take a deep breath . In ... out ... in ... out . " Stefan said , getting up .

He walked over to me and smiled .

" Now , Victoria , why don't you tell your caring and over protective brothers where you've been . " Stefan said , gently .

Damon was about to explode .

" I was with a friend . " I said.

" IT WAS A BOY WASN'T IT ! WHERE DID HE TOUCH YOU ! " Damon demanded , about to lunge .

Stefan pushed him back .

" Now , Damon. Stefanie is over 165 years old . I think she's an adult by now . " Stefan said .

I smiled .

" Thank you Stefan . " I said .

" But don't give me any details because I don't want to have to kill Jeremey . " he said .

" It wasn't Jeremey . " I said .

" So it WAS a boy ! Who was it ! I'll kill them ! I'll cut off body parts ! " he said , turning red again.

I rolled my eyes .

" No . It was nobody you would know . " I said , grabbing a glass of water .

" Fine, if you won't tell , me then I guess I'll have to just hack into your personal life like a hard-drive on a computer . " Damon said , laughing evily .

I rolled my eyes.

"Stefan ,he's lost it again . " I said.

The truth was , Damon hadn't been like that since he caught me kissing James Brown behind the stable when I was 12 . He broke James's arm .

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