First Attack

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Here we go.

~a couple days later~ ~early morning~

Eric sat on his bed, laptop in hand.

He went through the lines of code, a look of intense concentration on his face.

"Where's the line of code for his gender...." he muttered softly to himself.

Finally finding it, he grinned, changing it.

He then hit 'enter' and waited for the fireworks.

~a little later~

Peter got up, stretched, and yawned. He walked over to his dresser, taking a side glance into his full-length mirror.

He stopped and looked again.

The first thing he noticed was the hair.

Blue fading to brown ends, reaching to his chest- wait, are those boobs?

Realization snuck into his mind, and he growled.

"Fine then Eric. Fine then. I won't throw away my shot and BEAT YOU!"

Peter then went to grab some ransoms girl's clothing from his closet. (boy's a plaaaayer)

Or at least a bra.

~5 min later~

Dominik was cooking when Peter walked down.

He just stared, eyes wide as Peter sashayed around to the table.

Which he then jumped on.

"Holy fuck, I just might have to THANK Eric! I'm waaay more flexible!"

With that, Peter did a somersault and ran into the living room.

Dominik checked the food and quickly turned off the burner, pulling off the steaming pan.

Eric came down at this time, and smirked when he heard Peter, but then became confused.

He was actually liking it?

Well, that backfired.

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