Truth and Lies

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I love out of my window each morning, each evening

The world all looks the same

The world doesn't seem the change

I turn away and smile and shake my head at this lie

The world never is the same

The world changes all the time

It's just whether if it wants to


If you ask me

The whole world's truth and lies plague each other

I shut myslef out and keep everyone out

Turn up a t.A.T.u song

Hit a Evanescence song

Dance to a Flo Rida song

Forget what's around me for a moment or two

Cos I tell you

I am telling you

I no longer care what is the truth and what is a lie

Truth and lies

Truth and lies

What does it matter

Why is it important

No one really cares nothing for it anyway

No one pays any attention it anyway

Truth be told I really couldn't care

Truth and lies

Truth and lies

Spill out of humans mouths

Fly from human tongues



It begins to bore me

It begins to make me snore

People take care what you say

People mark what you say

Every little bit of

Truth and lies

Truth and lies

Music in my ears, I walk the streets

Smiling at those who go by

Waving to people I don't know

Just being sassy like that

Though all the while 

(All the while)

I think, "What are these people really like?"

"Are they really this nice, or would they rather put my head on a spike?"

In my opinion

In my mind

The whole world's truth and lies are not as black and white

I exclude myself from the outside, I ignore the rest

Jamming to a Within Temptation song

Humming to a Heather Dale song

Sing out of tune to a ABBA song

Forget the stress and hurt that is caused

Cos I can honestly say

I can say without a doubt

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