Chapter 1-Slap And Run

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  • Dedicated to Myamazeballfans


I shot my mouth open, gasping for air, while Kurt, my brother, smirked in victory.

"Looks like you'll be visiting the Lombardi's," he grinned.

I punched his stomach. "No fair! How the heck can you hold your breath for that long?"

"Dude, I've been kissing girls since I was four, I can hold my breath for about three minutes. The thirty seconds that you lasted were nothing."

I turned to my dad to back me up. "Dad! C'mon, he cheated!"

Mom rolled her eyes while sipping on her coffee.

Dad raised an eyebrow at me and shook his head. "Sorry squirt, a deal is a deal and you lost a bet. Now fix your hair and get your pretty little butt down to the Lombardi mansion." he twisted his face up when saying 'Lombardi'.

I gaped at him. Did he really just tell me to fix my hair? I looked into the mirror on the kitchen wall taking notice of my casual ponytail. "And why do I need to fix my hair? It's just fine, thank you very much."

"To a werewolf, sure your hair is just fine," mom spoke up. "But you know how those snobby vampires are. They already think we're... wild animals of some sort and we don't need them bagging on our appearance. That birds nest on your head just isn't going to cut it."

I scowled at her.

Kurt scoffed. "There's nothing Roxie can do to her hair to fix her appearance."

I threw a sausage at him, which he caught in his mouth and ate, grinning. "Thanks sis."

I rolled my eyes. "Look Mom and Dad, you really did raise a dog." I said sarcastically.

Mom shook her head, mumbling something under her breath and dad laughed, which he changed into a cough when my mom glared at him.

Nelson, my uncles Beta walked into the kitchen wearing a dressy suit. Kurt raised an eyebrow, "What's the occasion?"

Nelson grimaced. "Lombardi's. I have to go, too. So which one of you has the pleasure of accompanying me?" sarcasm practically dripped from his words.

Kurt grinned, "Roxie over there, she's so excited."

Nelson raised an eyebrow at me. "Let me guess, you lost a bet?"

"He cheated." I replied stubbornly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"C'mon guys, the Lombardi's aren't that bad!" Dad exclaimed, not even sounding convinced himself.

"Then why don't you go?" Nelson countered.

Smirking, "Because I'm the alphas brother, and because he told you to do it."


I groaned, it looked like I wasn't getting out of that one.

Every year there's this annual banquet thing, with all the werewolf packs and vampire clans in the state, that our pack hosts, and since we're kin to the alpha, which our pack liked to call the "royal family" we're the ones who has to go door to door and invite every pack and clan.

Inviting the werewolves is no problem, but when it comes to the vampires, that's another story. Luckily there's only two vampire clans here. The Rosens and the Lombardi's. Unluckily, vampires are the most rude, snobby, narcissist creatures ever.

Besides vampires and werewolves being natural enemies, the vampires just have to make it a point that they're better than us, which they're not because we rule. I'll bet you're wondering why the hell do we even invite vampires to our lands? Well, me personally, I think its a stupid idea, but the alphas feel the need to keep peace with the stupid blood suckers, therefore the annual banquet.

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