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Days turned into weeks, weeks into a month. I found myself hanging onto the bits and pieces I had of Jimmy. I should've forgotten him by now. Moved on and started a new life. But instead I was heartbroken. How and why I was heartbroken was beyond me. He was never mine. I was never his. We weren't even friends. And yet here I was, heartbroken over something that never belonged to me. And that's the worst kind of loss. When you loose someone you never had a chance with. Weird, huh?
Seeing the person who broke your heart ride by the bus was hard enough. Even harder when you go to school with him. You feel his glance on you, only for a split second. Because if you catch him looking, you'll get the wrong idea that he does care. And I think he did. At some point, he did care. But the last time I spoke to him I felt like a piece of his dad showed through I was the unlucky test object.
But still he captivated me. My heart is still with him. I may not know him a lot but when I wake up I'm thinking about him and when I go to sleep I'm thinking of him. And when I go to school I look for him first. My heart belongs to him. And he doesn't even know it. And probably never will.

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