"Jinyoung is unbelievable." Johnny snickered. Taeyong looked up from the current page he was on, and saw Jinyoung constantly looking up and staring at Nayeon, before he was reprimanded from his partner to keep working.

Taeyong found his eyes averting to Jennie, who was focusing on the open flame in front of her. She had this aura when she was focused on anything, not at all tuned to anything around her.

"Tae," Johnny elbowed him lightly. "He's not the only one with a staring issue."

"She had a fly near her..."

Johnny left Taeyong and his lame excuse be.

At lunch, Taeyong was caught staring at Jennie, who was in line for a smoothie, chatting with Nayeon.

Yujin laughed at Johnny's comments.

"I guess I was right." Yujin smirked to herself.

"Right about what?" Johnny questioned.

"I said Taeyong's on his way on falling in love with Jennie."

"Shut up, guys." Taeyong groaned, closing his eyes. "You guys are the worst."

Johnny and Yujin started laughing, at his sour reaction. A weight sat on one of the empty chairs at the circular table, making the three turn their heads.

"You guys are Nayeon's friends, right?" Jinyoung asked, almost desperately. They all shared a look before nodding.

"Look, I know she may of told you guys about me, but, I just like her a bit too much for my liking. I come off as needy."

Needy was an understatement.

"Ah, we just heard about you today. But yes, you do seem a bit... clingy. And sort of creepy." Johnny crossed his arms, scanning the 3rd year.

"Ugh. What should I do?" Jinyoung scratched his head, deep in thought.

"You should dial down the need for her attention. Or just slow it down. Be friends with her first, she'll warm up to you for how you actually are. Trust me." Yujin smiled softly. Jinyoung nervously nodded.

"Alright, thanks you guys." He stood up, smoothing down his pants. "See you guys." He waved, walking off. The group waved back and turned back to themselves.

The girls finally came back from the concessions stand. "Was that Jinyoung that was here?" Nayeon slammed her drink on the lunch table, nearly spilling the contents of the cup. The boys jumped, as Jennie just sat down with her drink.

"Yes. He just wanted to talk."


"Jinyoung's a sweet guy but he's a bit awkward, that's what he wanted us to know, that's all."

"That boy..." she said to herself, shaking her head. She turned to Yujin, who was finishig up her lunch. "Do you want to go eat pizza with us?"

"No thanks, I have plans with my father." She shook her head no.

The bell rang, signalling lunch was over. "I'll see you guys after school then, bye!"

They all met at Danny's Pizza Parlor right after school left out. Johnny had searched up places they had never tried out before and settled at a place downtown.

After they had been seated, they began small talking while looking at the menu.

"We have a 4th year meeting next week, Tae." Johnny began twirling his keys in his hand.

Taeyong nodded. He couldn't believe after a few more months he'd be graduating and headed off for college. He felt very bittersweet.

The waitress came to the table, already catching everybody's eye. The reason why was because she looked sickly pale, and also her eyes looked hallow and drained. "Hi, what can I get here?"

"Can we uh, get a large meat lovers?" Jennie closed her menu, "and a pitcher of lemonade?"

The waitress nodded, quickly writting the order down. "Okay, coming right up." She walked away slowly, obviously feeling miserable.

"God, why did they make her work today?" Nayeon turned her head from the waitress, and back towards her friends. They all shrugged.

"Maybe the lack of staff."

"I don't really want her near our food," Taeyong whispered. They all silently agreed.

They all continued small conversations, just to pass time a bit quicker. They were snapped out from their conversations when their pitcher of lemonade arrived. Johnny looked up and saw it was a new waitress, and not just a new person, it was the same girl from the mall.

Taeyong recognized her too and smiled.

"Here is your guys' lemonade, would you guys like anything else?"

"What is your name?" Taeyong asked out of nowhere, earning a look from everyone at the table.

"Oh, I'm Jisoo. I'm covering for Irene, she went home sick." She smiled. It was a genuine and sweet smile that captivated everyone's eyes. Especially Johnny's.

"Oh, okay. Thank you." Taeyong glanced at Johnny and saw him watch her leave.

"Johnny, are you okay?" Jennie tilted her head, wondering why he was so spooked.

"That's the girl from the mall I was talking about!" He exclaimed, still in shock.

Nayeon set down her lemonade. "That's the girl? My, you have good taste."

Johnny flushed and looked for Jisoo again. Taeyong chuckled to himself and took the pitcher in his hands.

When Jisoo came around with their food, Johnny's usually cool demeanor was tarnished by her, he kept stuttering and making silly mistakes in front of her. The three tried their best to keep in their laughs, minus Nayeon.

As Jisoo came to give them their check, Johnny finally asked for her number. Despite his clumsiness, she found it endearing and gave him her number. He was elated.

The four headed out into the dark evening, all in a very good mood. Johnny was super happy he had found the girl he thought he'd never see again, Nayeon got her pizza, Jennie and Taeyong got to spend time together.

"I'm surprised you're still stuck on this... nobody, Jennie." A voice called from the distance. Jennie turned her body to the voice and saw Jaewon, hands in his coat pocket, with a nasty look on his face.

"This nobody means a lot to me than you ever will,"

"Please," Jaewon scoffed, "quit pretending you're such a saint when you're truly just a little tramp."

Nayeon walked a few steps towards him and rewarded him with a well needed slap across the face. Jaewon fumed, regaining his composure to face Nayeon. Johnny instead stepped in front of her with a pissed look.

"Get the hell out of here."

Jaewon was shocked at Johnny's stance and body, and decided to bolt.

Taeyong was holding Jennie's hand, who was shaking from the whole situation.

"Jennie, Jennie, it's okay. He won't hurt you."

Jennie knew that of course, but she was still scared. Taeyong held her closer in the snowy moonlight for a little bit longer.

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