chapter 5

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Johnny handed  themed menu back to the waitress. "The special, please."

The waiter nodded and headed back towards the kitchen.

"Okay, so what happened last night?" Nayeon leaned forward, playing with the sauces on their table.

"She said something about not being interested in...was his name Jaewon?" Johnny arched an unsure brow at Taeyong. Taeyong nodded silently, sipping on his milkshake.

"Then what was the whole point of going on a date with him if she isn't interested in him?" Nayeon asked, almost to herself. She shook her head in confusion and disbelief.

Johnny shrugged. "We're still trying put things together too."

"What else did she say?"

"She said it was someone who saved her life. Whatever that means."

"Saved her life? Like who, Batman?"

"Could be a doctor or something." Taeyong suggested.

"Ew, that's gross if it is." Nayeon cringed, her face crunching into a disgusted look.

"No, no. This could mean anything."

Nayeon pondered that thought. "Anything else happened from that point?"

"Jaewon got angry and was silent the rest of the date. I think Jennie didn't care." Johnny smirked at the memory.
"I also caught Taeyong staring at Jennie once or twice during the date."

Nayeon's ears perked up at this, an amused look stretched across her face. "Wait, does Taeyong have a thing for her?"

"No," Taeyong defended. "I do not."

"Taeyong acts as if its a bad thing to have a small crush on her. Which I do not understand."

"Oh," Nayeon slumped. "I thought it would be a bit cute."

Johnny smiled at Taeyong's reaction.

"Why does everybody say that?" He questioned, in disbelief. "This is not an American film."

"This doesn't just happen in American films, Tae. It's popular in all different films."

The waitress came around with their food. "Would you guys like anything else?"

They all shook their heads now, thankful for their meals. The waitress did a small courtsey, before leaving them be.

"Okay, back to who this boy Jennie's talked about." Nayeon sat up straighter, bringing the plate closer towards her.

"What boys does Jennie hang out with, then?"

"About 2, or so. That are close enough for her to have a crush on, anyways."


"Well theres Doyoung. He's had a thing for her for the longest."

Johnny pouted with his lips. "Is that so? That's so sad."

"Like... pathetic sad?" Taeyong nearly snorted.

"No, like sad. I heard a girl has a crush on him."

Nayeon played with her salad for a bit. "And there's Yuta. He's been flirting up a storm ever since he transferred from Japan."

"How would we know what happened on her own time?"

"Its time that Nayeon and Jennie have a little catching up to do." Johnny rose his glass of water.

"Wait, why?"

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