"You can only treat people the way they let you treat them." Malcolm asserts and Britta tilts her head at him this time. "Maybe this is a mistake."

"Look," She flips her hair over her shoulder as she sighs loudly. "I'm sorry about your daughter, Mac. I had nothing to do with what happened to her tonight. Please don't let her ruin what we've got going."

After a few once overs, Malcolm's face softens as he replies. "Britta, I like you. You're a sweet girl, but if my daughter doesn't like you--"

"Does she make your decisions now, Mac?" Britta interrupts. "Excuse me, but I thought you were your own man."

"I've always been my own man."

"Then don't let Tamera ruin you--ruin us." Britta pleads, cupping Malcolm's face, as she strokes his stubble. "Get to know me from your perspective. Not hers."

After a few still moments, Malcolm removes her hands from his face, starts his car, then leaves the parking lot.


"You're free to go home." Dr. Warner says, shining a light into my eyes. "Your concussion is mild and all of your vitals are normal and holding."

"I can go... now?" I ask, watching him tuck the pen light into his coat pocket.

"Yes." He nods, handing me a clipboard, then I sign on the necessary lines before handing it back to him. "You are free to go."

A nurse walks to my bedside and starts removing the blood pressure cuff from my arm.

I rub my arm once she removes it. I didn't realize how irritating that was.

"Oh crap. Someone, please, give me a phone so I can call Andrew." I sigh as I flip the bed sheets back. "I'm locked out of my apartment."

"Tamera, there's no way you're going back to that apartment." Caroline interjects with a stern look. "What if that person is waiting around for you?"

"Yeah," Taylor nods, agreeing. "you don't need to go back there, sis."

I frown at both of them as I ask, "Where am I gonna go then, Tay?"

"Come home with us." He gestures to himself then our mother. "Your room is still there."

I shake my head, chuckling. "No, Tay. I'm not doing that. I'll just go to a hotel or something until Andrew gets home."

"A hotel isn't any safer, Tamera. Just come home with us." Caroline says softly as she comes closer. "I promise to stay out of your business and away from your room."

"Mama," I sigh as I stand from the bed. "it's fine. I'll just go to a hotel until I think Andrew's home."

"Or," Taylor begins, smirking, as I close the back of my hospital gown. I don't want to flash my family or Michael. "you could just go home with... Michael."

"Say what?" I squeak as we all look at Michael.

Michael, who clearly hasn't been paying attention, grunts. "Huh?"

"Stay with Michael at his place, Tam." Taylor repeats with a knowing smirk as Michael gives his full attention to our conversation now. "I mean if anybody can and wants to keep you safe, it's him. Come on, think about it, he could even tighten security at your apartment while you're at his place. He owns it, right?" I look over at Michael and he nods as Taylor goes on. "And it's not like you two want to be away from each other. You were practically devouring each others' faces when we arrived." I blush as Taylor looks over his shoulder at Michael. "So what do you say, Mike? Can Tamera go to your place tonight?"

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