The Boss..28..

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"If Mr. Jackson does want Tamera, Britta," Andrew rolls the "r" in her name as he arches a brow. "That is none of your business, cousin."

"How is it not?" She scoffs. "Michael and I were involved, Drew. It wouldn't be right for him to pursue someone else so soon. Especially Tamera."

"It is not your business, Britt." Andrew repeats as he pushes a button to hold a call. "Mr. Jackson's life is his and yours is yours. If he chooses to pursue a beautifully, intelligent woman like my roommate... that is his business—his choice, not yours."

"Whose side are you on, Drew?" Britta asks, offended. "You're my cousin not hers."

"I'm neutral, babe." Andrew holds his hands up innocently. "I'm just speaking truth."

"Doesn't sound like it."

"Have it your way. But, as I've said, if Mr. Jackson does want to pursue Tamera." He shrugs. "Just mind your business before your feelings get hurt even more."

Britta scoffs as if the idea of Michael and Tamera being a thing is pure madness.

"Why," She begins as she rubs her hands up and down her body. "why would Michael want her when I'm right here. I've given that man my best. Why would he pass this up for a girl like" She makes a face of disgust. "Tamera."

Andrew scoffs, smiling. "Sorry, cuz, but a man of Mr. Jackson's caliber will not be wife-ing a hoe. And you, my dear, are prime rib hoe." Britta's jaw drops and Andrew starts laughing as she turns away from him. "Where are you going now?"

"To assist my boss." Britta smirks as she steps into the elevator and the doors slide close.

"Lord, help that girl." Andrew shakes his head, chuckling.


"You remember how to take the minutes, don't you, bunny?" Malcolm asks as I walk around the long conference table in Eric's office to grab my audio recorder. "I know you haven't done it in a while. Do you still remember?"

"Yes, sir." I nod. "I, uhh, state the time and date then the recorder does the real work while I take critical notes on what you all are discussing throughout the meeting."

"What else?"

"Uhhh," I stammer, because Michael's eyes are directly on me. Please stop eyefucking me before I have another wet daydream. Wet daydream? Don't think about that, Tamera!! "Uhh, I stand near the, umm, person presenting so they will have a reference of what has been said and what they should probably emphasize on. I'm the eyes and ears for those who may zone out during long meetings."

"Perfect," Malcolm beams, proudly, as I pour him then Michael a glass of water. "you're just like your old dad—efficient and beautiful." Malcolm winks, teasingly. "Agree, bunny?"

"Daddy, could you please stop calling me bunny?" I whisper through clenched teeth, feeling Michael's stare on my back. "It's embarrassing and I'm a grown woman now."

Malcolm eyes me, suspect, then clears his throat. "Mr. Jackson," He calls and Michael grunts in response. He's pretending he wasn't looking and listening to us the entire time. "did you know that Miss Stewart was my beautiful daughter before today?"

I step back so I can look at my father and Michael as he clears his throat.

"Uhh, yeah." Michael nods, staring at me. "I did. Her name is in your biography, along with your wife, pardon me, ex-wife, Caroline, and your son, Malcolm Jr."

With eyes piercing Michael now, Malcolm goes on. "And you also know who all's employed here at Jackson Towers, am I correct?"

"Yes, I may not know them all personally, but I do have a list of every employee in this building."

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