The Boss..14..

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"I really want to meet you but I'm kind of scared," I sing as I walk into my mother's house listening to music on my iPhone. "I get my thoughts together for the very next day. But when I see you, lady, I forget what to say." I continue singing, quietly, as I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge to place my leftovers inside. I know Taylor will eat them without asking. "I'm a single man. I hope that you are single too. Tomorrow I seek something to set my mind free. Cause curiosity is bugging the hell out of me. Talk to me. Talk to me. Talk to me, baby. Come and talk to MEEE!!" I dance past the kitchen island, to turn on the light, and when I turn around, I scream, horrified. The sight of my mother in an avocado mask... is a scary one. "Dang, Mama." I pant, holding my chest. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

"If you weren't listening to DeVanté and the others," Caroline sighs, pulling my ear buds from my ears. "you would have heard me walk in."

"K-Ci & JoJo and the boys actually, Mama, but still," I breathe, placing my iPhone in my back pocket. "don't sneak up on me like that."

"I do what I want in my house, girl. Now, where were you all day?"

"Oh," I clap, eager to tell her my good news. "I was at work."

"Work?" Caroline frowns, tightening her robe strings. "Where do you work, Tam?"

"I work for Eric, Mama."

Caroline blinks, "Eric?"

"Yes, he hired me as his assistant slash secretary." I divulge with a broad smile. "I have a job now."

"That's great, darling!" Caroline smiles after a second before pulling me into a hug. "Didn't I tell you you'd get the next job you went for?"

"Yesss, but this is only temporary, Mama. Eric knows once the market for my profession is reopened I'm out of there."

"Well, still be grateful he gave you the job."

"I am. I'm very grateful, Mama."

Caroline nods then looks at my wrist. "Your bracelet's on the wrong wrist."

"I know," I mutter, twisting it around. "but I left it on this wrist because someone put it on there."

Oh, shit.

Caroline cocks a curious brow and I know I should have just left my answer at 'I know'.

"Who is the someone? Who put it there, Tam?" She smiles. "Was it Eric?"

"Maaaa." I drawl and she giggles. "No, it wasn't Eric."

"Then who was it?" She asks and her mahogany skin is glowing. "Was it a man?"

"Of course it was a man, Mama." I chuckle. "Do you think I'd let a female cuff me?"

"Who's the man, sweetheart?" She prods with a very large, Kool-Aid-esque, grin.

"Did you talk to Richard today?" I sigh, changing the subject, as thoughts of Michael and our pending date seep into my mind.

"Yes--" Caroline beams then points at me. "don't think I forgot about the bracelet-- but we had lunch and he apologized for everything."

"And I take it you forgave him?"

Caroline shrugs as Taylor walks into the kitchen, rubbing his face.

"Is it Stewart snack time or something?" I joke as he opens the fridge. "How did your day go, Tay? How was the beach?" Silently, Taylor pulls orange juice from the fridge then reaches into the cabinet for a glass. Is he ignoring me? "Tay?"

"What?" He grunts without looking at me.

"How was your day?" I enunciate.

"Ask your mother, she ruined it." Taylor mumbles, bitterly, pouring himself a glass of juice.

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