"Don't be afraid, I'm not going to do anything to you . And I don't have a twin Levi, you know that. It just a clone of mine." she said.

My heart stop for a minute, it felt like my surroundings froze in one minute. I shook my head , trying to focus back on reality.

"Why did you do that ? " I asked in surprise. She sighed a bit and dragged me away from there. Since she was in the front guiding me to walk, I tailed behind her watching her back.

"Are you an idiot or something  ? Thinking that I will kill you? Don't be , I always gonna treat you like before we used to. "

Her answer made me blushed,the second I thought only girls know how to blush. Now boys do blush also ... It really Unlike me... AT ALL.

"You gonna tell me everything Yunna. I don't care is confidential or not, you are asked to tell me as a corporal. " I growled.

"Well I didn't treat you like a corporal , I treat you as my brother, my friend " she answered. My heart slightly jabbed from her answer. Brother? Friend?

"Ohh... "

She dragged me to my own office. I didn't know how she knew where my office located, I think it was because one of her power. She opened the door knob and pulled me together with her. Finally, she released me from her and slammed the door closed. I sat on my desk crossing my arms.

"Explain "

She sat on my couch and scratched her head, she chuckled nervously turning away.

"Well? " I asked again, I was so impatient on her, God damn it give me the answer now...

"Okay... Here it goes.. It's kinda long story and a lot to explain. " she said.

"I got time "


"so you do understand now, right? " she blinked to me.

"Yeah " I muttered.

It took like almost 1 hour for her to explain the whole plot. Especially about the 'chakra' thingy, it was like a human-battery charger for them. She even told me that my strength even though I'm the strongest, it just 30% overall for me to beat her down. There were a lot of weird things happened to me since she came back, knowing this I believed eyesbrows and Shitty Glass definitely have interest on them.

"Hey.. Ermm.. Can I ask.. Is there anyone here in the corps called Isuno?" She asked.

My mind suddenly snapped by a sudden question. I wondered why she needed to know..

"Yes. Why is that "

"Nothing. Can you bring me to him? "

I sighed a little. "She's in Shitty Glass squad. Why do you ask? "

"Ermm nothing. Just curious about who he is . The cadets kept on spreading rumors about him. " she said.

I looked at her in confusion, i didn't know there will be rumors about this guy and I never heard of them. Is that the purpose she came back here?

<< Yunna pov >>

I tried giving him a good lie, hopefully it won't cause any mischievous. I pretended that I was giving him the real reason to search for Isuno.

Saviour In Between Two Different Worlds ( Madara × Reader × Levi )Where stories live. Discover now