Chapter 15 || You Can't Back Out From A Pinkie Promise

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Dedicated to : @confusedcherry for all her constant support! Thanks! xx

Chapter 15 || You Can't Back Out From A Pinkie Promise

      It never fails to amuse me when I see Colton eat.

If he ever tries out for the world record for the fastest eater, I'm pretty sure the title would go to him.

"Colton! I'm not even half done yet!" I protested at the sight of his near-empty plate.

"But it's so good though." he said in between chewing.

"Close your mouth!" I shouted at him and tried to quicken the pace of my chewing.

He grinned and saluted me like a soldier would before stuffing more noodles into his mouth.

"We were the fastest eaters there!" I pointed out when we walked away from the small shop lot.

"Good then." he smiled smugly.

"Eating too fast is bad for our digestive system." I told him as we were walking around and reached a couple of roadside stalls.

Colton ignored me and simply walked ahead.

"Hey! You can't just ignore me!" I shouted after him.

He continued walking until he reached the beach. I jogged to catch up with him. He plopped onto the sandy beach, making me mirror his actions. I looked at him curiously, wondering what had caused his sudden change of mood. "Penny for your thoughts?" I nudged him with my elbow lightly.

"You'll have to give me a million to know what's going on inside here." he tapped his brain and gave me a small smile.

I saw past his mask and asked him seriously, "What's wrong?"

He picked up a pebble and threw it into the sea. "It's nothing."

"Bullshit." I instantly retorted.

And to think that after that mini heart-to-heart conversation, he would trust me a bit more. Granted, I'm almost like a stranger to him, but surely he must have at least an ounce of trust in me?

His eyes went wide at my retort and finally softened as he realised that I was not the type to let things go that easily; especially when I know that something was wrong. "Do you know why I hate Maria Vergano so much?" he spat her name out as if it was poison in his vocal cords.

"Why?" I was surprised, not expecting that to be the cause of his sudden upset.

It was the perfect moment, for the missing piece to fit in into the puzzle.

"Watch out!" someone shouted. I looked up to see a cyclist just a few inches in front of me. He seemed to lost his balance and was about to crash into me. My eyes widened at the horrific realisation.

Someone pushed me away and the cyclist fell beside me, his bicycle crashing from the impact.

I sat up, my head spinning for a while and I let all my systems to regain their focus before looking at Colton. He was the one who pushed me away. "Thanks."

"Your reflexes are really slow." was his only comment.

"Jeez, you didn't have to be so direct about it." I joked and punched him lightly on his arm. "It's not like it's the first time you've met me or something."

"Are you alright?" I turned around and found the cyclist hovering over me. Looking closely, I could see now that the person who almost banged into me was a she. She was actually pretty young, around my age. She was wearing a cap, which covered most of her short black hair.

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