Chapter 13

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Shimmerheart smiled at Pinesong's joke. She glanced anxiously at the camp's entrance.

Orangedusk didn't return back to camp last night. I'm worried that Leopardpelt might have done something to him out there.

Shimmerheart sighed loudly and started at Pinesong. "I'm so happy that you're here. I can't imagine my life without you," she purred.

Pinesong smiled widely and purred. His head snapped around when a panicked yowl rang through the camp. Orangedusk suddenly ran through the camp's entrance, his eyes wide with panic.

"Leopardpelt is coming! I just saw him at the border!" he yowled.

Shimmerheart hissed loudly. She stood up and raced toward the orange tabby. "You better not be lying!" she hissed.

Orangedusk shook his head and pointed his tail toward the lake. "I saw him. He raced toward me but I managed to escape. This is your chance to get rid of him. He's a threat to ThunderClan!" Orangedusk yowled, his gaze reaching Stripestar's.

Stripestar nodded and flicked his tail toward Buckwheat. "I want you, Foxheart, Brightfoot, and Pinesong to guard the nursery. If Leopardpelt breaks past our defenses, he'll come for Cindertail, Shimmerheart, and the kits. Honeyclaw, Goldenfur, Whiteclaw, and I will go fight Leopardpelt. Tallears, I want you to have all of our remaining warriors defending the camp!" Stripestar yowled.

The blue-grey tabby worriedly glanced around the camp when he realized that Shimmerheart wasn't there. "Buckwheat, change of plans. You'll come with me and help me find Shimmerheart before Leopardpelt does. Honeyclaw, you lead the warriors I called to fight Leopardpelt and drive him away. Tallears, make sure he doesn't get through here!" Stripestar hissed.

Buckwheat nodded and pelted into the forest with Stripestar.

* * * * *

Shimmerheart trotted toward the lake, her fur bristling. Her tortoiseshell fur stood out against the forest floor so she made no effort to blend in.

"Come on out Leopardpelt! Let's end your hatred for me and ThunderClan!" Shimmerheart yowled angrily.

Shimmerheart jumped when she heard something run up from behind her. She perked her ears but it was too late. Weight crashed into her, causing her to collapse to the forest floor. Shimmerheart squeaked as she tried to escape. The weight lifted suddenly and Shimmerheart gasped as she realized what was happening. Pinesong hissed loudly and was standing defensively between Leopardpelt and Shimmerheart.

"Stay away from her!" he snarled.

Leopardpelt tipped his head to the side, his whiskers twitching. "You're the tom who Orangedusk was always complaining about. The tom that fell in love with Shimmerheart and stole her from him. I'll enjoy ripping your RiverClan pelt to get to her!" Leopardpelt spat.

Pinesong snarled loudly and unsheathed his claws. "You'll have to kill me to get to her!"

"Gladly," Leopardpelt whispered before launching himself forward.

Pinesong leaped at Leopardpelt, surprising him. The grey and black tom kicked at the dirt, spraying any loose pebbles and dirt into Leopardpelt's eyes. Leopardpelt yowled in pain and anger. He clawed at Pinesong, striking his face and neck. Shimmerheart stood up and ran to defend her mate. She raked her claws along Leopardpelt's fur. The spotted tom roared with fury and swiped at Shimmerheart's head. Shimmerheart stammered back before falling to the floor, weak.

"Pinesong, run," she whispered weakly.

Pinesong hissed in response and slashed at Leopardpelt, hatred coursing through him. While he didn't know Leopardpelt that well, he had seen him at gatherings and heard stories about him from Shimmerheart. Pinesong snapped out of his thoughts when Leopardpelt crashed into him, sending him rolling into the undergrowth. Leopardpelt smirked and turned back to Shimmerheart.

"Now, where were we?" he meowed calmly, his eyes shining with excitement from the battle.

Pinesong gasped for breath. He thought of his kits and yowled with hatred, his eyes burning with fury.

"You will not take them away from ThunderClan!" Pinesong screamed.

Leopardpelt leaped at Shimmerheart, claws outstretched and hungering for blood. Shimmerheart's breath stopped as she braced for the final blow.

It never came.

Shimmerheart opened her eyes and saw Leopardpelt standing over a still body. She didn't even hear herself scream when she realized who it was. Lying beside her was Pinesong's lifeless body. Blood poured out of the long gash across his throat that Leopardpelt had inflicted.

Shimmerheart, filled with rage and grief, stood up and stared at Leopardpelt, a darkness filling her gaze. Leopardpelt hissed nervously and backed away. Shimmerheart leaped over Pinesong's body and landed in front of Leopardpelt. She unsheathed her claws and lashed out at Leopardpelt.

Before she could even gain control of herself, Buckwheat and Stripestar burst into the clearing. Buckwheat stared in shock at Pinesong's still figure. His gaze snapped toward Leopardpelt, who was still backing away from Shimmerheart.

"Shimmerheart stop! He'll be punished for what he did!" Buckwheat called worriedly.

Shimmerheart ignored her father and walked toward Leopardpelt, her eyes blazing with hatred. She suddenly ran at Leopardpelt and locked her jaws around his throat. Leopardpelt's eyes widened as the life drained from him. Shimmerheart snapped her jaws, killing Leopardpelt.

She stepped away from the body before her. Buckwheat stepped toward Shimmerheart and was surprised to hear crying. Shimmerheart ran toward her father and buried her muzzle into his fur, as though she was hiding as a kit.

"He's gone! He's dead!" she cried.

Buckwheat frowned with grief when his gaze locked onto Pinesong's body.

"We'll bury him tonight."

Shimmerheart wailed with grief.

Why did you have to fulfil my vision! Why did you have to die! It should have been me!

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