Chapter 2

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Stripestar leaped onto High Ledge and looked down upon his clanmates.

“Let all cats old enough to catch fresh-kill join beneath High Ledge for a clan meeting!”

Shimmerheart padded cautiously toward the grey tabby. She glanced around to find Cindertail and Violetheart both eyeing her.

Oh give it a rest! I’m a capable warrior now. Just because you promised to protect me after Rosepetal died, doesn’t mean I need you to keep watching me!

Shimmerheart growled in frustration and turned her gaze back up to Stripestar.

“As you all know, tonight is the gathering. I would like to bring Leopardpelt, Foxheart, Tallears, Goldenfur, Honeyclaw, Snowdrop, Cloudpaw, Whiteclaw, Tigerfur, Spottedpelt, Brightfoot, Buckwheat, Violetheart, and,” Stripestar paused, his eyes flickering between Shimmerheart and Orangedusk,” Shimmerheart and Orangedusk!”

Shimmerheart smiled and turned her head to Orangedusk. The orange tabby tom was smiling ear to ear and his chin raised high.

“Let’s leave now!” Stripestar yowled.

Shimmerheart trotted after the leading tabby. Orangedusk walked beside her, his fur brushing with hers. Shimmerheart flinched as Orangedusk brushed his tail across her flank as they walked.

Does he like me?

Shimmerheart smiled at the orange tom and stopped behind Tallears as the group slowed. She climbed onto the large, fallen tree and began to cross to the island, Orangedusk following close behind. Shimmerheart looked down at the water and flicked her tail with pleasure.

The water is so pretty at night. I wish I could swim.

Orangedusk purred softly, causing Shimmerheart to jump. She yowled in shock as she slipped off the tree bridge and into the black water below.

A grey and black tom stopped before he finished crossing and turned around. A tortoiseshell she-cat splashed helplessly in the lake. He smirked and launched himself into the water beside her. Grabbing her scruff, the tom dragged Shimmerheart back to shore. Shimmerheart shivered and looked up at the stranger.

“Thank you,” she meowed quietly.

The grey and black tom nodded. He turned around as a large splash reached his ears. Orangedusk ran out of the lake and right at Shimmerheart.

“Are you okay?!” he asked frantically.

Shimmerheart nodded, her muscles shivering uncontrollably. “I’ll be okay.”

Orangedusk smiled and returned back to the tree bridge to cross. Shimmerheart looked up at the grey tom. In the moonlight, she could make out a black mask, ears, and tail stretched along his grey fur.

The grey tom flicked his black tail and motioned for the tree bridge.

“After you,” he whispered.

Shimmerheart smiled again and carefully walked across the bridge. Once she made it onto solid ground, she swiftly padded after Orangedusk and the rest of ThunderClan. Shimmerheart sat down beside Orangedusk and a RiverClan warrior. She looked up to see Stripestar standing and staring down at the gathered cats.

“Let the gathering begin!” he yowled.

Stripestar sat down and glanced over at Sunstar. Sunstar nodded and stood up.

“ShadowClan has been doing well recently. We have had plenty of fresh-kill and Dewdrop is expecting my kits!” Sunstar meowed proudly.

Stripestar nodded in respect while the other leaders only smiled.

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