Out of the corner of my eye, I see Aubrey stumbling towards the table with the blond still tightly secure.

"AELLA I MISSED YOU! OMG LOOK AT YOU ALL GROWN UP" yes ladies and gentlemen, Aubrey was officially drunk off her ass.

"Come sit down Aubrey, you're going to fall."

"Only if I can sit on Stephen's lap."

At this point I just wanted to grab Aubrey's hair and drag her ass all the way home.

"Who the fuck is stephen?"

The blond one looked at me "That's me, well not the stephen part, I'm Niall but she keeps calling me stephen."

"Niall? Thats a stupid name." Aubrey looked so confused and I couldn't help but laugh.

The blond one whose name is apparently Niall, looked over his shoulder and shouted,

"Over 'ere lads, got me a score!" Irish, he was fucking irish. She couldn't have picked oh i don't know, someone she could understand? She always picked the weird ones.

Too caught up in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed some boys walking to the table. They quickly high fived Stephen, wait I mean Niall and slid into the booth. Two men. Two unknown men were sitting next to me and Aubrey was passed out on a stranger's lap. It hadn't even been five minutes and she already passed out. Hey Aella let's go to the club so I can pass out and leave you stuck with three men you've never met before. That's the last time I ever listen to her.

"Hey these are the boys." Niall pointed at them

"That's louis." Louis was a small dude, beautiful blue eyes, brown messy hair, scruffy beard, thin, with tattoos all over his arms.

"Hello lovely lady" Sweet talker and strong british accent. 

" And that's Liam." Liam, that's was the commitment man who kept staring all night long, but nonetheless, he very muscular in person and he smelled amazing.

"Hey how's it going?" I must admit, his voice could do things.

"So what's your name?" man was Niall a talker.

"Echo. and the one passed out on your lap is Harlow." Of course I wasn't going to give our real names away.

"Sick names." Niall wasn't the brightest, how did he not hear Aubrey yell my name? 

Man did I really hate people. 


Pleasantries and small talk was exchanged around the table. I wanted nothing but to leave but I couldn't because Aubrey was not awake yet and I had no idea what her address was. Aside from being annoyed because Aubrey dragged me here only to leave me alone, Liam was being extra touchy but hey it wasn't completely bothering me. Might even give him a chance.

"You wanna dance?" Liam had leaned over and whispered in my ear all while caressing my thighs. I said I might give him a chance but not likely.

"No." Short and simple.

"Are you sure? Just one dance."


"Can I at least buy you another drink, looks like yours is empty." he kept getting closer and whispering in my ear. He wasn't going to give up, but if it meant him leaving the table and me trying to wake Aubrey up then,

"Yes Liam, I would love another drink." I whispered seductively in his ear while dragging my hand up his thigh. He stiffened and jumped up.

"Really? Ok what do you want?"

"I'll have whatever you're having."

"Ok i'll be right back." Finally one down two to go.

I leaned over the table to say something to Louis but something more like someone caught my attention. 

A man. Tall, built, scruffy, long hair, dark and mysterious. Brow against green. Our eyes met in what felt like the slowest of time, some girl out there would have loved this chick flick scenario going on.

"Mate over 'ere." Niall shouting took me out of my trance.
The man dressed in black came over and slid in the booth next to Niall. Right across from me, never taking his eyes off me.

"This is-"

"Hey heres your drink." Liam handed me my drink and I couldn't be happier because I really needed this right now. Liam slid in right next to me and possessively put his hand on my thigh. I grabbed my drink and chugged it down. I was a little surprised, Liam didn't come off as the whiskey type but as I finished my drink, I looked over and he was just staring down at the man in black.

"How's it going Harry?"

Harry. The man in black finally spoke.

Harry smirked while looking at me.

" Not bad Liam."

Liam gripped my thigh harder. I reached down and took his hand off my thigh. Whatever that was, it needed to stop, but once again I found his hand right on top of my thigh.

The night passed on and I could honestly say it had been around another hour. Aubrey was still passed out. Throughout it all the guys would talk and tried to include me in asking me about my life and such. Of course I avoided all questions involving personal matters. Considering who my family was, I was in no position to talk freely about my life. Every now and then I would glance at Harry and he would alway be staring at me. Never once looking away. The abyss of life had so much to offer yet he was looking at me. I'm not the least bit intrigued.

"Echo. Echo."


"Echo!" Louis stood in front of me waving his hands around. Shit.


"Are you deaf love?" You could say that.. Or you could say I forgot my fake name.

"No just daydreaming"

"Do you want another drink? I'm gonna go make rounds."

"No I'm good, actually I think it's time for us to go. Shes passed out and i'm pretty tired"

As soon as I said that behold Aubrey decided to wake her drunk ass up.

"Hey it's time to leave let's go." Aubrey looked around confused. She was still drunk.

 "Hellllooooo boyyyysss." she was slurring.

I pushed Liam so he would move and I got up.

Niall helped Aubrey up.

"Alright well nice to meet you guys." hopefully we never see each other again I thought. I grabbed Aubrey and started heading towards the exit but Liam stopped me and gave me a hug, as he leaned in he squeezed my ass and whispered into my neck.

"Call me love" and he stuck a paper in my top. To say I was shocked was an understatement but I was to tired to care anymore so I made my way outside and finally I was able to breathe. New York is actually really fucking cold at night especially when you are wearing little to no clothing. Hailing a cab is also one of the many things I hate about New York.

 After about ten minutes of hailing the cab, I was finally able to track one down. Aubrey went in first and I tried situating her while she was trying to tell the driver the address. As soon as the driver took down the address, a hand grabbed me, the door shut and the taxi sped off.

"You're not going anywhere Aella."

Escape // Harry StylesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon