26 - "mitsubishi?"

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Blair was doing his homework with Nolan after school on Friday when they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Blair said and opened the door only to belt out a loud scream.

When Nolan ran to the front door, he saw Blair hugging Scott McCall tightly. "Oh my God, you guys came early! Come in, come in!"

Scott, Malia, Stiles, Lydia, and Kira all walked in with huge smiles on their faces. "Did you say hi to your families and everything already?!" Blair asked as he continued hugging everyone.

They all nodded except Kira since her parents don't live in Beacon Hills and was staying with Lydia.

When Blair noticed Nolan awkwardly standing, his foot tapping, he waved him over and put a hand around his shoulders. "You guys know Nolan. My boyfriend."

"Hey Nolan! It's good to see you again!" Scott said and did an awkward bro hug with him.

Kira quickly ran up and hugged him as well. "It's so nice to meet you. I'm Kira, Badass kitsune!"

"Mitsubishi?" Nolan said which caused everyone to laugh.

"Kitsune. It's basically just a fox with electric powers and a sword," Blair explained and Nolan nodded slowly, not quite understanding.

"Call Liam and tell him to get his ass over here!" Stiles demanded and Blair obeyed.

When the beta arrived with Mason and Corey, everyone said their hello's before they were all sitting in the living room of Blair's fairly large house.

He had his hand gripping Nolans, ignoring each other's sweaty palms. Nolan didn't seem too nervous anymore and he was as involved in conversation as everyone else.

"So what stuff do you guys want to do this weekend?" Malia asked, her brunette hair longer than the last time Blair saw her.

"Sinema obviously!" Mason exclaimed, making everyone laugh. "What? They have female strippers there too now!"

"I'm in!" Stiles immediately exclaimed, earning a judgemental look from Lydia sitting next to him.

They hadn't made it official yet, but Blair got the idea that Stydia was most likely a thing behind closed doors.

"Alright, we'll go there tomorrow night. Nolan, are you in?" Scott said with an excited look on his face.

"But we're all underage," Nolan said. "How would we get in?"

"Hayden was underage and they let her work there. Trust me, they let anyone in there," Blair explained.

"Great! Then it sounds like a plan. I'm gonna go visit my mom, she should be done work by now. See you guys tomorrow!" Scott said and with that, everyone left, leaving Blair and Nolan alone.

After cleaning up the homework that still laid on Blair's dining room table. "My dad won't be home for a while," Blair said as he leaned in close to the taller boy and pressed their lips together.

Nolan kissed back and let Blair's tongue enter his mouth, sliding over his. He backed up against the wall behind him and felt his pants begin to get tighter on his crotch as Blair's hands rested on his hips.

"Someone's excited." Blair winked as he pulled away. Nolan instantly went red and looked away. "Hey," Blair said, pulling his head back so they were staring into each other's eyes. "It's all natural. I'm getting hard too."

"I-I'm not ready for anything like this," Nolan quickly slurred.

Blair moved his hands back to his sides and pecked Nolan on the lips. "Don't worry about it, babyboy. We don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"Thanks." Nolan looked apologetic so Blair dragged him to the couch by his hand and pulled him super close so they were laying down and cuddling.

Blair was the big spoon, which felt unnatural because he was so much shorter, but yet it still felt right because Nolan seemed to be the one who needed to feel more secure.

"I'm tired," Nolan said as he rubbed his eye.

"Then sleep, baby." Blair kissed his earlobe and figured he could use some sleep as well. "Just for a little bit."


okay guys @electico25 commented a few chapters back about how blair is always putting nolan before himself and that his/her goal in life is to have someone like blair and i think that's so amazing because i think everyone in this world should have expectations for their significant other and never settle for anything less

always know that you deserve the world, i love you all and i hope you all find amazing people to share your life with❤️ unless you're asexual, you're amazing too😂❤️

xo jj

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