6 | Trick or Treat?

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"Blycchi, why are you taking forever to make the pie?" Mimmy asked, watching Blythe make a pie from the countertops.

"Has it ever occurred to you that it takes time to make a pie?" Blythe rolled her eyes. Mimmy laughed nervously, scratching her head.

"No it hasn't. Though, I do know it takes time to make a cake. And a friend. Preferably a boyfriend."

Blythe sighed at Mimmy's response, receiving a frown from Chelsea, who sat a few seats away from Mimmy.

"Don't sigh too much, Bly. Did you know that every time you sigh, you lose a little bit of happiness?" Chelsea questioned as Blythe finished the pumpkin pie she was making with Erissa.

"Isn't that just to keep people from sighing too much?" Erissa asked back, putting the pie in front of Mimmy. Mimmy smiled brightly at the pie, like it was the best thing she's ever seen in her whole entire life as a Sakurada.

"You're staring at the pie like you want to make out with it," Erissa glanced.

"Well, it's only true," Mimmy continued to stare.

"Guys," Blythe glared.

"I see. Turns out you're only sexually attracted to food."

"Ah, true."



A huge puff of smoke came out of the bag, which was very very unexpected.

"Where did all this smoke come from?" Satori asked. He felt much smaller than usual.

"I swear, that was a real witch." Guren crossed his arms and looked up at the bowl of chocolates. Did he just.. shrink?

"Wait, did we just shrink?" Ryusei questioned as he saw how small Guren was. He received only a shrug from Guren, who looked at Joshua.

"Okay, but Joshua is hella cute."

"Guren, what the fuck."

Satori face palmed as Guren came closer to him. "Step away, I don't want idiots near me."

Guren rolled his eyes. "Apparently, as a child, you are more insulting, Sa-to-ri~" Guren smirked.

"And you, Yuuki, are more flirtatious," Satori pushed Guren's head away as he attempted to kiss him.

"Do you have a problems with that?" Guren questioned, moving closer to Satori.

A small hand pushed him away. Guren glanced at who it was, and apparently, it was Joshua.

"We should find a way to fix this mess and turn back into adults," Joshua glanced at Satori. "And teenagers."

"I agree with Joshua, we can't stay like this for a while. The girls will freak out," Ryusei sighed.

"Also, this is getting very uncomfortable. We are still in our Halloween costumes that are meant for adults, and here we are, as kids," Satori commented, receiving a slight smirk from Guren.

"Oh? But I do think you're rather cute."

"Shut your mouth, Flirtatious Freak. You're supposed to be a necromancer, not an idiot," Satori rolled his eyes.

"Yuuki-kun is unbelievably flirtatious today," Joshua raised an eyebrow.

"Guys," Ryusei tried to get the attention of the other boys.

"This is what happens when you turn me into a kid again, Ayaki. I can't help but be like this around really cute children, you see," Guren flipped his hair.

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