Lydia loves the warmth that always exudes from him whenever Stiles talks about Ariel. It's tantalizing, thinking that the more that Lydia gets to know him, the more she wants him. "You spoil her," she tells him. "You're the first man to ever give her flowers."

"Good," he replies with a soft smile. "She should be treated as if she's the best because she's the best. She's such a good kid, Lydia..."

Her lips are on his before he can grasp what's happing, a light touch that Lydia doesn't waste much time to turn into something more. Stiles is the one to put a stop to her advances, surprised at her forward ways when they're in the middle of the living room, and Ariel could walk in at any time. "What was that for?," he asks, something in the way that Lydia is looking at him softening his intent to know.

"Nothing. Just... Thank you. For being you."

"I'm very thankful to be me too," he replies jokingly, lamely, making Lydia grin.

She's about to dive in for another kiss when Ariel appears on the hallway, there's a "Ewww, you're kissing" followed by a girly giggle, and that's the end of that.


Friday ends too fast, without any more developments, much to Lydia's dismay. To make her frustration worse, Stiles insists on spending the night at his house again, and she gets his reasoning of wanting her to rest when she spent all her day reading and he knows how it can tire her. Still, it didn't mean she'd perk up if other activities were to happen during the evening.

Stiles is resolute to stick to his plan, though.

So come Saturday morning, Lydia is becoming noticeably frustrated. She has never been this worked up over someone, more so when that someone is insistent they wait for the right time. Anticipation can be a great form of foreplay, or of getting blue balls or whatever the female equivalent to it is, but Lydia would much rather he just give in already. She cannot be held accountable should she jump him regardless of the time or place.

As if summoned by her wandering thoughts, Stiles comes in early as usual for breakfast, and Lydia realizes that she's still not used to the way her hear somersaults in her chest at the sight of him. And what a sight it is...

"Morning, Lyds."

"Morning," she says, blowing on her cup of tea. She leans back on the kitchen island as he approaches. "Sleep well?"

"Like a baby," he says with a grin and a kiss on her cheek, as if it amuses him that he can appear so unaffected by this tension that keeps building between them.

She needs release, for Christ's sake. "Well, I didn't," she tells him, watching him pick up a mug from the cabinet.

At her words, his hand stills in mid air as he turns to face her again. "Oh. I thought you'd be so tired that you'd doze off the second your head hit your pillow."

"So did I." Or not so much. "But I was frustrated."

At that, he perks up. "Too frustrated?"

"Insanely so," Lydia replies conversationally, turning to place her mug on the counter top and spread jam on a slice of bread. "Wanted to do a world of things about it," she teases, and it isn't at all untrue.

"Like what?" Lydia hears him, and finds that he's behind her, talking lowly in her ear. "What did you want to do?"

Lydia smirks, preparing another slice of bread for him as well. "Though a lot about just doing it myself. The anticipation is driving me up the wall."

"Is that so?," he murmurs, his voice husky, and Lydia fleetly thinks that it's too hot for early December. His hands grab her hips and pull her the slightest bit to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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