Chapter 11

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hey guys! I'm so so so sorry I didn't get this chapter up sooner. But to make up for it I put a little bit of Malec feels in!!!! :)

Chapter 11

Jace's POV

It felt wrong. All of it. I didn't like kissing her, talking to her, or even looking at her anymore. It was all wrong.

Aline was just nothing like Clary. I didn't know why I let her kiss me. Some part of me thought that I had to keep up appearances, not make it look like I was losing my cool, yet wasn't all that worth losing for Clary?

I was about to push Aline off of me when Clary appeared in the corner of my eye. I turned to smile at her when I realized my lips were occupied. Oh no! How is this going to look to her? She turned around and bolted out of the cafeteria, a flash of red and green. This is not good.

I got up and ran to the hallway, searching for her. She wasn't anywhere, even in the girl's bathrooms. I definitely know she wasn't there and now I have the bruises to prove it. Damn can those girls hit hard.

I heard the bell ring and an idea popped into my head. I rushed to the art room and froze at what I saw.

"Will? What are you- Why are you here?" I stammered out, completely caught off guard.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite cousin. I'm here to see Ms. Tessa of course," he replied with a sly wink to the art teacher. I ignored him and directed my attention to the teacher.

"Ms., have you seen Clary here? Do you happen to know where she went?" She seemed surprised that I was asking about Clary.

"She came in here for lunch but said she wasn't feeling to well and that she was going home. Is everything ok?" Damn. Clary was so upset that she was going home. Home to Jonathan. I had to get there before anything happened. Will brought me back to reality.

"Hey, are you alright? You've gone pale." WILL! Thank God he was here. My cousin Will was a detective and he was actually the one assigned to my parent's case. I hadn't seen him in a long time, but before I could ask about his sudden visit I had to ask him something more important.

"Will I need your help," I cleared my throat before continuing, "Clary is in danger. Her brother is dangerous and we need to go get her before anything can happen. Will you help me?"

He was suddenly all business. He asked me if he would need backup and I didn't know how to answer. He just ordered some anyway in case. I think I was going into shock. Clary. My Clary was in danger.

I vaguely remember Will pulling me into the squad car before rushing off. I mumbled out her address and the next thing I knew we were there.

"Stay in the car," Will ordered as he rushed inside. Like hell. I ignored his command and slowly got out. Part of my brain acknowledged the other cop running in.

My fault. If anything happened it was my fault.

Somehow I managed to break out of my dazed state when I heard shouts and a call to get the ambulance. I sprinted the last few steps and past the door that had been knocked off its hinges.

Blood. There was blood everywhere. Clary was lying on the floor, pale and unmoving. Someone had wrapped her lower body in a blanket and she was shivering, which let me know she wasn't dead.

I stood there staring at her for what felt like hours. I came so close to losing her. Then, I was then being shoved aside and she was being lifted into a stretcher. Whoever pushed me had knocked me into the wall. I slid down and came to a stop at the bottom. My hand wrapped around a piece of paper.

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